vigasan / SecutityAlarm

This is my project of hardware and software development of a board based on ESP32 to replace an old alarm system keeping all the contact sensors and integrate it in Home Assistant.
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Atmega 2560 code #2

Open moustic999 opened 1 year ago

moustic999 commented 1 year ago

Hello, thanks for the esp32 code and the schematic, that really help me a lot in building my own alarm system. I'm far away from your electronic knowledge. however, I face an issue, my window sensor are 2EOL and have 2 resistor inside them, So I need to read them via analog reading. In your case I think this part is done within the atmega2560, so Could you share the code for this ? That will be a good example for me.

MadMax35412 commented 1 year ago

Hello, I hope this message finds you well. Thank you for sharing such a fantastic project with us. I would also like to request an example code for ATMEGA 2560. If you happen to have that, kindly share it with me as it would be of great help. Thank you very much.