vigeeking / homeAutomation

My goal is to create a pipeline that is built exclusively with tools I either already know, or am only learning because they provide added value to the project
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mattermost #55

Closed vigeeking closed 4 years ago

vigeeking commented 4 years ago

I am trying to communicate with people via different messaging platforms. I would like to have built in slack functionality to handle communication, and also be able to integrate it into the smart house. This is done when I have a slack/mattermost platform integrated into the pipeline and have gotten my first other person added to the server.

vigeeking commented 4 years ago

I am starting this project using azure. This will be a point of disconnect between online identities, as this uses an old account. From here on out I will use new, but be aware.

vigeeking commented 4 years ago

Going to set it up using these instructions:, specifically: sudo apt-get install git git clone cd mattermost-docker docker-compose build mkdir -pv ./volumes/app/mattermost/{data,logs,config,plugins,client-plugins} sudo chown -R 2000:2000 ./volumes/app/mattermost/ docker-compose up -d

vigeeking commented 4 years ago

Note to self: I started working on using docker-compose to run this, and made some good headway with the shell scripting, so plan to link back up with that in the feature/mattermost branch. But to start I'm going to go 100% their method.

vigeeking commented 4 years ago

ran into a problem with the permissions, here is the link with the solution:

the solution likely lies here: mkdir -p ./volumes/app/mattermost/{data,logs,config,plugins} chown -R 2000:2000 ./volumes/app/mattermost/ docker-compose start

vigeeking commented 4 years ago

note to self, next time check docker hub:

vigeeking commented 4 years ago

I believe docker-compose can be effectively "overloaded" you just need to keep the path relative to the first instance of docker-compose:

vigeeking commented 4 years ago

Issue above was because the db, web, and app directories had not been created. I should have known this, and I now understand more about volumes.

vigeeking commented 4 years ago

Ran into an issue with docker-compose not being created. It seems likely that it is related to the context path now being nested. I started to change multiple context entries in the docker-compose.yaml file, before realizing this would be better handled as templates. This led to a long discussion, but ultimately resulted in this from Justin: " You should be able to use a .env file to define environment variables: Those you can use as variables in your compose file: Depending on how you want to use them."

vigeeking commented 4 years ago

Was able to get docker compose to run after starting in a greenfield deployment. The containers built, but kept crashing. This may be a fix Hi,

Found this for solving the chmod issue:

Check here too for the selinux security issue :

I fixed my docker-compose file by adding a :z at the end of the volume command volumes: - /media/dataDemo/db:/var/lib/postgresql/data:z

Hope it will help.


vigeeking commented 4 years ago

those volume permissions issues you are experiencing is a big reason why named volumes exist.

vigeeking commented 4 years ago

Mattermost is now up and running on amazon at, with minimal configuration. I am going to see about the best way to deploy the mattermost server, and will now treat that as prod. Once I have mattermost up and running in such a way that I don't have to re-create the password every time, and I can point my domain at the instance, I will invite others.

vigeeking commented 4 years ago

This has now become issue#64

vigeeking commented 4 years ago

This has been accomplished though the requirements changed. I am deploying mattermost via bitnami.