vigetlabs / gulp-rails-pipeline

Ditch the Rails Asset Pipeline and roll your own with Gulp
MIT License
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Drop-in solution #13

Open LimeBlast opened 9 years ago

LimeBlast commented 9 years ago

I'm wondering if it's realistic to have a branch/repo of this project which contains just the files needed to make it work - or maybe a rails generator or something?

I've got an existing app which I want to use this on, but currently have to go though and manually make all of the changes - so was wondering if there was an easier way to do so.

Thanks :)

rymohr commented 9 years ago

:+1: for a yeoman generator

jekuno commented 9 years ago

+1 Same here, trying to migrate an existing Rails App from Rails Asset Pipeline to gulp. Would love to have a generator to simplify the migration.

@LimeBlast Did you manage to migrate manually? Do you have any hints on important changes which need to be done besides those listed in

LimeBlast commented 9 years ago

Hi @jekuno, I did manage to get it working, but I've not done much with the project on which I did it, and it was a while ago. I don't recall anything other than what the notes suggest, but I did find some minor problems with the sample repo, but I submitted a pull request which has already been merged in.

jekuno commented 9 years ago

Hi @LimeBlast - ok thanks a lot. I'll try my best to get it set up manually :)

rosskevin commented 8 years ago

I've been working on a drop-in solution here:

I need to reuse a basic pipeline in multiple node-based projects, as well as a rails app that uses rails engines.

It draws much inspiration from this project so many thanks to the vigetlabs team and contributors (including the blog post that got this started).

I would love to collaborate further with this group, I think my approach solves the reuse/extensibility issue.

Thanks again and everyone is welcome.

jordanbyron commented 8 years ago

I too have been working on a drop-in solution based on the work in this project. I wanted something I could throw into existing Rails projects and get gulp up and running with just a few commands.

Right now my implementation takes care of all the Rails specific configuration and gets the basic gulp scripts moved into the right places. It also sets up react-rails and server rendering with full gulp support.

Currently the documentation is sparse but I hope to improve that over time.

Thoughts? Comments? Concerns? I'd love to hear them. Thanks to everyone who's worked on this project. I know I wouldn't have been able to do what I did without ya'll 😄

rosskevin commented 8 years ago

gulp-pipeline-rails is new but we seem to have it working so far. It is a drop-in replacement for sprockets and uses gulp-pipeline with a RailsRegistry for really simple configuration. i.e. here is your complete gulpfile.babel.js:

import {RailsRegistry} from 'gulp-pipeline'
import gulp from 'gulp'

// minimal setup with no overrides config
gulp.registry(new RailsRegistry())

This creates all the tasks you need, view them with gulp --tasks. Notable tasks: