vigliensoni / R-VAE

Rhythm generator using Variational Autoencoder(VAE)
MIT License
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Implement more bars with double&triple meter. #1

Open vigliensoni opened 4 years ago

vigliensoni commented 4 years ago

The device should be able to handle four bars (two at the least). With 16th ppqn this is trivial. But since now we have double and triple meter, subdivisions are at 96 ppqn.

The live grid device on the UI only accepts 64 steps and so I should find a way to display the four bars (perhaps one device per bar?). However, this is just for visualization, it has nothing to do with the structure of the data.

vigliensoni commented 4 years ago

So far, I implemented one bar. The procedure for more bars seems to be pretty straighforward in the MaxMSP side, though I should take a look at how data is expressed in TF.

vigliensoni commented 4 years ago

The autoencoder is currently encoding data for two bars. MaxMSP is the one only playing back the first bar.