vigossjjj / CrashMonkey4IOS

iOS Monkey Test Tool.
MIT License
344 stars 136 forks source link

使用 iPad + iOS 8.2 时会出现 tap point is not within the bounds of the screen on line 145 of UIAutoMonkey.js 错误 #7

Closed chenhengjie123 closed 9 years ago

chenhengjie123 commented 9 years ago

测试环境: 被测设备:iPad mini2 + iOS 8.2



$ bin/smart_monkey -a chj.ToDoList -w 2143b478b4141119f7ae286abdb693ebefd01ea5

custom.js 使用的是 master 分支上的 custom.js ,没有做任何修改。

输出 log :

INSTRUMENTS_TRACE_PATH : /Users/hengjiechen/Develop/iOS/research/CrashMonkey4IOS/bin/*.trace
RESULT_BASE_PATH : /Users/hengjiechen/Develop/iOS/research/CrashMonkey4IOS/bin/smart_monkey_result
{:app_path=>"chj.ToDoList", :device=>"2143b478b4141119f7ae286abdb693ebefd01ea5", :run_count=>1, :time_limit_sec=>nil, :detail_event_count=>50}
=================================== Start Test (1/1) =======================================
2015-06-07 23:59:36.852 instruments[7896:266326] WebKit Threading Violation - initial use of WebKit from a secondary thread.
Attempting iOS device system log capture via deviceconsole.
BundleID was found: chj.ToDoList
Run: ["instruments", "-w", "2143b478b4141119f7ae286abdb693ebefd01ea5", "-t", "/Applications/", "chj.ToDoList", "-e", "UIASCRIPT", "/Users/hengjiechen/Develop/iOS/research/CrashMonkey4IOS/bin/smart_monkey_result/report_20150607235935/custom.js", "-e", "UIARESULTSPATH", "/Users/hengjiechen/Develop/iOS/research/CrashMonkey4IOS/bin/smart_monkey_result/report_20150607235935"]
2015-06-07 23:59:42.646 instruments[7908:266524] WebKit Threading Violation - initial use of WebKit from a secondary thread.
2015-06-07 15:59:50 +0000 Default: {"width":1024.0000335703464,"height":768.0000447604625}
2015-06-07 15:59:50 +0000 Debug: target.dragFromToForDuration({x:"742.7453675940633", y:"212.1336553357542"}, {x:"268.3888267641887", y:"265.4147026157007"}, "0.5")
2015-06-07 15:59:51 +0000 Debug: target.captureRectOnScreenWithName("{origin:{x:-256.00,y:-0.00}, size:{height:768.00,width:1024.00}}", UIScreen, "monkey-2015-06-07T15-59-51-497Z")
2015-06-07 15:59:51 +0000 Screenshot captured.
2015-06-07 15:59:51 +0000 Debug: target.tapWithOptions({x:"486.0092997299507", y:"300.4554277984425"}, {touchCount:"1", tapCount:"1", duration:"0"})
2015-06-07 15:59:51 +0000 Debug: target.captureRectOnScreenWithName("{origin:{x:-256.00,y:-0.00}, size:{height:768.00,width:1024.00}}", UIScreen, "monkey-2015-06-07T15-59-51-806Z")
2015-06-07 15:59:51 +0000 Screenshot captured.
2015-06-07 15:59:52 +0000 Debug: target.tapWithOptions({x:"598.3043232038617", y:"554.203523655422"}, {touchCount:"1", tapCount:"1", duration:"0"})
2015-06-07 15:59:52 +0000 Debug: target.captureRectOnScreenWithName("{origin:{x:-256.00,y:-0.00}, size:{height:768.00,width:1024.00}}", UIScreen, "monkey-2015-06-07T15-59-52-115Z")
2015-06-07 15:59:52 +0000 Screenshot captured.
2015-06-07 15:59:52 +0000 Debug: target.tapWithOptions({x:"332.7966623166576", y:"-42.84549929387867"}, {touchCount:"1", tapCount:"1", duration:"0"})
2015-06-07 15:59:52 +0000 Debug: tap point is not within the bounds of the screen
2015-06-07 15:59:52 +0000 Debug: MonkeyTest finish.
2015-06-07 15:59:52 +0000 Error: Script threw an uncaught JavaScript error: tap point is not within the bounds of the screen on line 145 of UIAutoMonkey.js
2015-06-07 15:59:53 +0000 Stopped: Script was stopped by the user
2015-06-07 23:59:53.194 instruments[7908:266624] Attempting to set event horizon when core is not engaged, request ignored
Instruments Trace Complete (Duration : 10.302137s; Output : /Users/hengjiechen/Develop/iOS/research/CrashMonkey4IOS/bin/instrumentscli0.trace)
Stop iOS system log capture.
2015-06-07 23:59:57.887 instruments[7918:266679] WebKit Threading Violation - initial use of WebKit from a secondary thread.
2015-06-08 00:00:05.761 instruments[7937:267018] WebKit Threading Violation - initial use of WebKit from a secondary thread.
2015-06-08 00:00:07.390 instruments[7947:267059] WebKit Threading Violation - initial use of WebKit from a secondary thread.
Monkey Test Report:/Users/hengjiechen/Develop/iOS/research/CrashMonkey4IOS/bin/smart_monkey_result/report_20150607235935/index.html

sys log:

Jun  7 22:23:19 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Gesture EnabledForTopCLient: 0, EnabledInDaemonSettings: 0
Jun  7 22:23:35 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Gesture EnabledForTopCLient: 0, EnabledInDaemonSettings: 0
Jun  7 22:23:48 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Gesture EnabledForTopCLient: 0, EnabledInDaemonSettings: 0
Jun  7 22:23:57 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Active'
Jun  7 22:23:58 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Gesture EnabledForTopCLient: 0, EnabledInDaemonSettings: 0
Jun  7 22:24:07 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Inactive'
Jun  7 22:24:18 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Gesture EnabledForTopCLient: 0, EnabledInDaemonSettings: 0
Jun  7 22:24:23 hengjiede-iPad ubd[1718] <Warning>: iCloud Documents through ubd is deactivated, using bird instead (Nov  7 2014 : 20:42:00).
Jun  7 22:24:29 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Gesture EnabledForTopCLient: 0, EnabledInDaemonSettings: 0
Jun  7 22:25:06 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Gesture EnabledForTopCLient: 0, EnabledInDaemonSettings: 0
Jun  7 22:25:20 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Gesture EnabledForTopCLient: 0, EnabledInDaemonSettings: 0
Jun  7 22:25:31 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Gesture EnabledForTopCLient: 0, EnabledInDaemonSettings: 0
Jun  7 22:25:37 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Gesture EnabledForTopCLient: 0, EnabledInDaemonSettings: 0
Jun  7 22:25:57 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Active'
Jun  7 22:25:58 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Gesture EnabledForTopCLient: 0, EnabledInDaemonSettings: 0
Jun  7 22:26:01 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Gesture EnabledForTopCLient: 0, EnabledInDaemonSettings: 0
Jun  7 22:26:08 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Inactive'
Jun  7 22:26:16 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: AppleMultitouchN1SPI: updating power statistics
Jun  7 22:26:16 hengjiede-iPad SpringBoard[48] <Warning>: [MPUSystemMediaControls] Disabling lock screen media controls updates for screen turning off.
Jun  7 22:26:16 hengjiede-iPad backboardd[51] <Notice>: MultitouchHID: detection mode: 3->255
Jun  7 22:26:17 hengjiede-iPad backupd[1719] <Warning>: INFO: Scheduling next backup at 6/7/15, 10:26:47 PM
Jun  7 22:26:47 hengjiede-iPad backupd[1719] <Warning>: INFO: Backup starting
Jun  7 22:26:47 hengjiede-iPad backupd[1719] <Warning>: INFO: DeviceID="2143b478b4141119f7ae286abdb693ebefd01ea5", DeviceName="hengjie的 iPad", ProductType="iPad4,4", BuildVersion="12D508"
Jun  7 22:26:47 hengjiede-iPad wifid[33] <Error>: WiFi:[455380007.539281]: Disable WoW requested by "backupd"
Jun  7 22:26:47 hengjiede-iPad backupd[1719] <Warning>: WiFi is associated YES
Jun  7 22:26:47 hengjiede-iPad backupd[1719] <Warning>: WiFi is associated YES
Jun  7 22:26:47 hengjiede-iPad backupd[1719] <Warning>: Opened /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AirTrafficDevice.framework/AirTrafficDevice
Jun  7 22:26:47 hengjiede-iPad backupd[1719] <Warning>: Framework NanoMusicSync could not be found.
Jun  7 22:26:48 hengjiede-iPad backupd[1719] <Notice>: (Error) NPSLogging: <NPSDomainAccessor.m +[NPSDomainAccessor resolveActivePairedDevicePairingID:pairingDataStore:]:41> Failed to resolve pairing ID ((null)) or data store ((null)) for active device
Jun  7 22:26:48 hengjiede-iPad nsurlstoraged[1362] <Error>: realpath() returned NULL for /var/root/Library/Caches/
Jun  7 22:26:48 hengjiede-iPad nsurlstoraged[1362] <Error>: The read-connection to the DB=/var/root/Library/Caches/ is NOT valid.  Unable to determine schema version.
Jun  7 22:26:48 hengjiede-iPad nsurlstoraged[1362] <Error>: realpath() returned NULL for /var/root/Library/Caches/
Jun  7 22:26:48 hengjiede-iPad nsurlstoraged[1362] <Error>: realpath() returned NULL for /var/root/Library/Caches/
Jun  7 22:26:48 hengjiede-iPad nsurlstoraged[1362] <Error>: ERROR: unable to determine file-system usage for FS-backed cache at /var/root/Library/Caches/ Errno=13
Jun  7 22:26:50 hengjiede-iPad backupd[1719] <Warning>: INFO: Refreshed cache in 1.849 s
Jun  7 22:26:51 hengjiede-iPad nsurlstoraged[1362] <Error>: realpath() returned NULL for /var/root/Library/Caches/
Jun  7 22:26:51 hengjiede-iPad nsurlstoraged[1362] <Error>: realpath() returned NULL for /var/root/Library/Caches/
Jun  7 22:26:54 hengjiede-iPad backupd[1719] <Warning>: INFO: Scanned in 4.395 s
Jun  7 22:26:54 hengjiede-iPad backupd[1719] <Warning>: INFO: Found 12 deleted files in 0.011 s
Jun  7 22:26:55 hengjiede-iPad backupd[1719] <Warning>: INFO: Created snapshot 81 (301 files of size 22.6 MB)
Jun  7 22:26:55 hengjiede-iPad backupd[1719] <Warning>: INFO: Created backup and snapshot in 0.385 s
Jun  7 22:26:55 hengjiede-iPad backupd[1719] <Warning>: INFO: Adding 301 files of size 22.6 MB
Jun  7 22:26:55 hengjiede-iPad backupd[1719] <Warning>: INFO: Added batch of 3 files of size 0 B in 0.412 s at 0.00 MB/s (0.0%)
Jun  7 22:27:32 hengjiede-iPad IDSRemoteURLConnectionAgent[1720] <Warning>: [Warning] Services all disappeared, removing all dependent devices
Jun  7 22:27:32 hengjiede-iPad wifid[33] <Error>: WiFi:[455380052.731309]: Disable WoW requested by "IDSRemoteURLConn"
Jun  7 22:27:32 hengjiede-iPad IDSRemoteURLConnectionAgent[1720] <Warning>: WiFi is associated YES
Jun  7 22:27:32 hengjiede-iPad IDSRemoteURLConnectionAgent[1720] <Warning>: WiFi is associated YES
Jun  7 22:27:32 hengjiede-iPad wifid[33] <Error>: WiFi:[455380052.792530]: Disable WoW requested by "IMRemoteURLConne"
Jun  7 22:27:32 hengjiede-iPad IMRemoteURLConnectionAgent[1721] <Warning>: WiFi is associated YES
Jun  7 22:27:32 hengjiede-iPad IMRemoteURLConnectionAgent[1721] <Warning>: WiFi is associated YES
Jun  7 22:27:37 hengjiede-iPad backupd[1719] <Warning>: INFO: Added batch of 100 files of size 1.6 MB in 39.623 s at 0.04 MB/s (7.1%)
Jun  7 22:27:41 hengjiede-iPad notification_proxy[1495] <Error>: 0x100484000 -[MNPLockdownConnection receiveMessage]: lockdown_receive_message error!
Jun  7 22:27:41 hengjiede-iPad notification_proxy[1495] <Error>: 0x100484000 -[MNPLockdownConnection receiveMessage]: lockdown_receive_message error!
Jun  7 22:27:57 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Active'
Jun  7 22:28:08 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Inactive'
Jun  7 22:29:57 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Active'
Jun  7 22:30:08 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Inactive'
Jun  7 22:31:57 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Active'
Jun  7 22:32:01 hengjiede-iPad backupd[1719] <Warning>: INFO: Added batch of 100 files of size 14.1 MB in 261.323 s at 0.05 MB/s (55.3%)
Jun  7 22:32:08 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Inactive'
Jun  7 22:32:37 hengjiede-iPad backupd[1719] <Warning>: INFO: Added batch of 12 files of size 3.2 MB in 35.510 s at 0.09 MB/s (66.2%)
Jun  7 22:32:50 hengjiede-iPad backupd[1719] <Warning>: INFO: Added batch of 67 files of size 3.6 MB in 10.668 s at 0.34 MB/s (79.4%)
Jun  7 22:32:55 hengjiede-iPad backupd[1719] <Warning>: INFO: Added batch of 31 files of size 123.0 KB in 4.543 s at 0.03 MB/s (80.0%)
Jun  7 22:32:55 hengjiede-iPad backupd[1719] <Warning>: INFO: Finished adding files in 359.744 s at 0.06 MB/s
Jun  7 22:32:55 hengjiede-iPad backupd[1719] <Warning>: INFO: Committed snapshot in 0.349 s
Jun  7 22:32:57 hengjiede-iPad backupd[1719] <Warning>: INFO: Backup finished in 370.414 s
Jun  7 22:32:57 hengjiede-iPad backupd[1719] <Warning>: INFO: Merging old snapshot 79
Jun  7 22:32:58 hengjiede-iPad backupd[1719] <Warning>: INFO: Scheduling next backup at 6/8/15, 10:32:55 PM
Jun  7 22:33:57 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Active'
Jun  7 22:34:08 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Inactive'
Jun  7 22:34:23 hengjiede-iPad ubd[1725] <Warning>: iCloud Documents through ubd is deactivated, using bird instead (Nov  7 2014 : 20:42:00).
Jun  7 22:35:57 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Active'
Jun  7 22:36:08 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Inactive'
Jun  7 22:37:57 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Active'
Jun  7 22:38:08 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Inactive'
Jun  7 22:39:57 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Active'
Jun  7 22:39:58 hengjiede-iPad networkd[84] <Warning>: NStatManagerHandleSrcCounts:1731 couldn't find NStatSourceRef for 147335
Jun  7 22:39:58 hengjiede-iPad networkd[84] <Warning>: NStatManagerHandleSrcCounts:1731 couldn't find NStatSourceRef for 147334
Jun  7 22:39:58 hengjiede-iPad networkd[84] <Warning>: NStatManagerHandleSrcCounts:1731 couldn't find NStatSourceRef for 147332
Jun  7 22:39:58 hengjiede-iPad networkd[84] <Warning>: NStatManagerHandleSrcCounts:1731 couldn't find NStatSourceRef for 147331
Jun  7 22:40:08 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Inactive'
Jun  7 22:41:57 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Active'
Jun  7 22:42:08 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Inactive'
Jun  7 22:42:30 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: AppleARMPMUCharger: limiting USB input current to 2000 mA (measured 1387 mA)
Jun  7 22:42:30 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: AppleARMPMUCharger: limiting USB input current to 1900 mA (measured 1392 mA)
Jun  7 22:42:30 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: AppleARMPMUCharger: limiting USB input current to 1800 mA (measured 1391 mA)
Jun  7 22:42:30 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: AppleARMPMUCharger: limiting USB input current to 1700 mA (measured 1387 mA)
Jun  7 22:42:30 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: AppleARMPMUCharger: limiting USB input current to 1600 mA (measured 1372 mA)
Jun  7 22:43:57 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Active'
Jun  7 22:44:08 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Inactive'
Jun  7 22:44:23 hengjiede-iPad ubd[1726] <Warning>: iCloud Documents through ubd is deactivated, using bird instead (Nov  7 2014 : 20:42:00).
Jun  7 22:45:57 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Active'
Jun  7 22:46:08 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Inactive'
Jun  7 22:47:30 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: AppleARMPMUCharger: limiting USB input current to 1900 mA (measured 1343 mA)
Jun  7 22:47:30 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: AppleARMPMUCharger: limiting USB input current to 1800 mA (measured 1359 mA)
Jun  7 22:47:30 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: AppleARMPMUCharger: limiting USB input current to 1700 mA (measured 1354 mA)
Jun  7 22:47:30 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: AppleARMPMUCharger: limiting USB input current to 1600 mA (measured 1342 mA)
Jun  7 22:47:30 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: AppleARMPMUCharger: limiting USB input current to 1500 mA (measured 1330 mA)
Jun  7 22:47:57 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Active'
Jun  7 22:48:08 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Inactive'
Jun  7 22:49:57 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Active'
Jun  7 22:50:07 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Inactive'
Jun  7 22:51:57 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Active'
Jun  7 22:52:08 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Inactive'
Jun  7 22:52:30 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: AppleARMPMUCharger: limiting USB input current to 1900 mA (measured 1314 mA)
Jun  7 22:52:30 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: AppleARMPMUCharger: limiting USB input current to 1800 mA (measured 1326 mA)
Jun  7 22:52:30 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: AppleARMPMUCharger: limiting USB input current to 1700 mA (measured 1315 mA)
Jun  7 22:52:31 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: AppleARMPMUCharger: limiting USB input current to 1600 mA (measured 1308 mA)
Jun  7 22:52:31 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: AppleARMPMUCharger: limiting USB input current to 1500 mA (measured 1302 mA)
Jun  7 22:53:57 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Active'
Jun  7 22:54:08 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Inactive'
Jun  7 22:54:23 hengjiede-iPad ubd[1727] <Warning>: iCloud Documents through ubd is deactivated, using bird instead (Nov  7 2014 : 20:42:00).
Jun  7 22:55:57 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Active'
Jun  7 22:56:08 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Inactive'
Jun  7 22:57:31 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: AppleARMPMUCharger: limiting USB input current to 1800 mA (measured 1289 mA)
Jun  7 22:57:31 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: AppleARMPMUCharger: limiting USB input current to 1700 mA (measured 1297 mA)
Jun  7 22:57:31 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: AppleARMPMUCharger: limiting USB input current to 1600 mA (measured 1290 mA)
Jun  7 22:57:31 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: AppleARMPMUCharger: limiting USB input current to 1500 mA (measured 1276 mA)
Jun  7 22:57:57 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Active'
Jun  7 22:58:08 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Inactive'
Jun  7 22:59:14 hengjiede-iPad notification_proxy[1495] <Error>: 0x10050c000 -[MNPLockdownConnection receiveMessage]: lockdown_receive_message error!
Jun  7 22:59:14 hengjiede-iPad notification_proxy[1495] <Error>: 0x10050c000 -[MNPLockdownConnection receiveMessage]: lockdown_receive_message error!
Jun  7 22:59:15 hengjiede-iPad notification_proxy[1495] <Error>: 0x100484000 -[MNPLockdownConnection receiveMessage]: lockdown_receive_message error!
Jun  7 22:59:16 hengjiede-iPad notification_proxy[1495] <Error>: 0x100484000 -[MNPLockdownConnection receiveMessage]: lockdown_receive_message error!
Jun  7 22:59:16 hengjiede-iPad notification_proxy[1495] <Error>: 0x100484000 -[MNPLockdownConnection receiveMessage]: lockdown_receive_message error!
Jun  7 22:59:35 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Active'
Jun  7 22:59:35 hengjiede-iPad timed[1378] <Notice>: (Note ) CoreTime: Current mcc: '0' simulated:'0'.
Jun  7 22:59:35 hengjiede-iPad timed[1378] <Notice>: (Note ) CoreTime: Received timezone "Asia/Shanghai" from "Location" with mcc 0
Jun  7 22:59:35 hengjiede-iPad timed[1378] <Notice>: (Note ) CoreTime: Not setting time zone to Asia/Shanghai from Location because time zone is unchanged
Jun  7 22:59:46 hengjiede-iPad DTMobileIS[1652] <Warning>: Could not create service named
Jun  7 22:59:46 hengjiede-iPad DTMobileIS[1652] <Warning>: Could not create service named
Jun  7 22:59:46 hengjiede-iPad notification_proxy[1495] <Error>: 0x100484000 -[MNPLockdownConnection receiveMessage]: lockdown_receive_message error!
Jun  7 22:59:46 hengjiede-iPad notification_proxy[1495] <Error>: 0x10050c000 -[MNPLockdownConnection receiveMessage]: lockdown_receive_message error!
Jun  7 22:59:48 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Inactive'
Jun  7 22:59:50 hengjiede-iPad notification_proxy[1495] <Error>: 0x10050c000 -[MNPLockdownConnection receiveMessage]: lockdown_receive_message error!
Jun  7 22:59:50 hengjiede-iPad DTMobileIS[1652] <Warning>: Could not create service named
Jun  7 22:59:50 hengjiede-iPad DTMobileIS[1652] <Warning>: Could not create service named
Jun  7 22:59:50 hengjiede-iPad notification_proxy[1495] <Error>: 0x100594000 -[MNPLockdownConnection receiveMessage]: lockdown_receive_message error!
Jun  7 22:59:55 hengjiede-iPad DTMobileIS[1652] <Warning>: Could not create service named
Jun  7 22:59:55 hengjiede-iPad DTMobileIS[1652] <Warning>: Could not create service named
Jun  7 22:59:55 hengjiede-iPad notification_proxy[1495] <Error>: 0x100594000 -[MNPLockdownConnection receiveMessage]: lockdown_receive_message error!
Jun  7 22:59:55 hengjiede-iPad notification_proxy[1495] <Error>: 0x100594000 -[MNPLockdownConnection receiveMessage]: lockdown_receive_message error!
Jun  7 22:59:55 hengjiede-iPad notification_proxy[1495] <Error>: 0x100484000 -[MNPLockdownConnection receiveMessage]: lockdown_receive_message error!
Jun  7 22:59:56 hengjiede-iPad DTMobileIS[1652] <Warning>: Could not create service named
Jun  7 22:59:56 hengjiede-iPad DTMobileIS[1652] <Warning>: Could not create service named
Jun  7 22:59:56 hengjiede-iPad notification_proxy[1495] <Error>: 0x100594000 -[MNPLockdownConnection receiveMessage]: lockdown_receive_message error!
Jun  7 22:59:57 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Active'
Jun  7 22:59:57 hengjiede-iPad DTMobileIS[1652] <Warning>: Could not create service named
Jun  7 22:59:57 hengjiede-iPad DTMobileIS[1652] <Warning>: Could not create service named
Jun  7 22:59:57 hengjiede-iPad notification_proxy[1495] <Error>: 0x100484000 -[MNPLockdownConnection receiveMessage]: lockdown_receive_message error!
Jun  7 23:00:08 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Inactive'
Jun  7 23:01:30 hengjiede-iPad DTMobileIS[1652] <Warning>: Could not create service named
Jun  7 23:01:30 hengjiede-iPad DTMobileIS[1652] <Warning>: Could not create service named
Jun  7 23:01:30 hengjiede-iPad notification_proxy[1495] <Error>: 0x100484000 -[MNPLockdownConnection receiveMessage]: lockdown_receive_message error!
Jun  7 23:01:30 hengjiede-iPad notification_proxy[1495] <Error>: 0x100594000 -[MNPLockdownConnection receiveMessage]: lockdown_receive_message error!
Jun  7 23:01:30 hengjiede-iPad notification_proxy[1495] <Error>: 0x100594000 -[MNPLockdownConnection receiveMessage]: lockdown_receive_message error!
Jun  7 23:01:32 hengjiede-iPad notification_proxy[1495] <Error>: 0x100594000 -[MNPLockdownConnection receiveMessage]: lockdown_receive_message error!
Jun  7 23:01:32 hengjiede-iPad notification_proxy[1495] <Error>: 0x100484000 -[MNPLockdownConnection receiveMessage]: lockdown_receive_message error!
Jun  7 23:01:57 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Active'
Jun  7 23:02:08 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Inactive'
Jun  7 23:03:57 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Active'
Jun  7 23:04:08 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Inactive'
Jun  7 23:04:08 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: AppleARMPMUCharger: limiting USB input current to 2000 mA (measured 1252 mA)
Jun  7 23:04:08 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: AppleARMPMUCharger: limiting USB input current to 1900 mA (measured 1239 mA)
Jun  7 23:04:23 hengjiede-iPad ubd[1739] <Warning>: iCloud Documents through ubd is deactivated, using bird instead (Nov  7 2014 : 20:42:00).
Jun  7 23:05:57 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Active'
Jun  7 23:06:08 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Inactive'
Jun  7 23:07:26 hengjiede-iPad DTMobileIS[1652] <Warning>: Could not create service named
Jun  7 23:07:26 hengjiede-iPad DTMobileIS[1652] <Warning>: Could not create service named
Jun  7 23:07:26 hengjiede-iPad notification_proxy[1495] <Error>: 0x100484000 -[MNPLockdownConnection receiveMessage]: lockdown_receive_message error!
Jun  7 23:07:26 hengjiede-iPad notification_proxy[1495] <Error>: 0x100484000 -[MNPLockdownConnection receiveMessage]: lockdown_receive_message error!
Jun  7 23:07:31 hengjiede-iPad notification_proxy[1495] <Error>: 0x100484000 -[MNPLockdownConnection receiveMessage]: lockdown_receive_message error!
Jun  7 23:07:31 hengjiede-iPad notification_proxy[1495] <Error>: 0x100484000 -[MNPLockdownConnection receiveMessage]: lockdown_receive_message error!
Jun  7 23:07:36 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: AppleARMPMUCharger: limiting USB input current to 1800 mA (measured 1293 mA)
Jun  7 23:07:36 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: AppleARMPMUCharger: limiting USB input current to 1700 mA (measured 1288 mA)
Jun  7 23:07:36 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: AppleARMPMUCharger: limiting USB input current to 1600 mA (measured 1283 mA)
Jun  7 23:07:36 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: AppleARMPMUCharger: limiting USB input current to 1500 mA (measured 1272 mA)
Jun  7 23:07:36 hengjiede-iPad DTMobileIS[1652] <Warning>: Could not create service named
Jun  7 23:07:36 hengjiede-iPad DTMobileIS[1652] <Warning>: Could not create service named
Jun  7 23:07:36 hengjiede-iPad notification_proxy[1495] <Error>: 0x10050c000 -[MNPLockdownConnection receiveMessage]: lockdown_receive_message error!
Jun  7 23:07:36 hengjiede-iPad notification_proxy[1495] <Error>: 0x100484000 -[MNPLockdownConnection receiveMessage]: lockdown_receive_message error!
Jun  7 23:07:36 hengjiede-iPad notification_proxy[1495] <Error>: 0x100484000 -[MNPLockdownConnection receiveMessage]: lockdown_receive_message error!
Jun  7 23:07:37 hengjiede-iPad DTMobileIS[1652] <Warning>: Could not create service named
Jun  7 23:07:37 hengjiede-iPad DTMobileIS[1652] <Warning>: Could not create service named
Jun  7 23:07:37 hengjiede-iPad notification_proxy[1495] <Error>: 0x10050c000 -[MNPLockdownConnection receiveMessage]: lockdown_receive_message error!
Jun  7 23:07:38 hengjiede-iPad notification_proxy[1495] <Error>: 0x100484000 -[MNPLockdownConnection receiveMessage]: lockdown_receive_message error!
Jun  7 23:07:38 hengjiede-iPad notification_proxy[1495] <Error>: 0x100484000 -[MNPLockdownConnection receiveMessage]: lockdown_receive_message error!
Jun  7 23:07:57 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Active'
Jun  7 23:08:08 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Inactive'
Jun  7 23:09:57 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Active'
Jun  7 23:10:08 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Inactive'
Jun  7 23:11:57 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Active'
Jun  7 23:12:08 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Inactive'
Jun  7 23:12:34 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: 113650.806419 wlan0.A[29420] AppleBCMWLANBGScanManager::configurePrivateMACForBGScans(): BG-SCAN PRIVATE MAC 0 0 0 0 0 0
Jun  7 23:13:57 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Active'
Jun  7 23:14:08 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Inactive'
Jun  7 23:14:23 hengjiede-iPad ubd[1745] <Warning>: iCloud Documents through ubd is deactivated, using bird instead (Nov  7 2014 : 20:42:00).
Jun  7 23:14:35 hengjiede-iPad syncdefaultsd[1746] <Notice>: (Note ) marked "" topic as "opportunistic" on <APSConnection: 0x14c506a10>
Jun  7 23:14:40 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Starting gyro calibration, user initiated, 0
Jun  7 23:14:40 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: AppleARMPMUCharger: limiting USB input current to 2000 mA (measured 1309 mA)
Jun  7 23:14:40 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: AppleARMPMUCharger: limiting USB input current to 1900 mA (measured 932 mA)
Jun  7 23:14:41 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: AppleARMPMUCharger: limiting USB input current to 1800 mA (measured 1438 mA)
Jun  7 23:14:41 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: AppleARMPMUCharger: limiting USB input current to 1700 mA (measured 930 mA)
Jun  7 23:14:41 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: AppleARMPMUCharger: limiting USB input current to 1600 mA (measured 982 mA)
Jun  7 23:15:57 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Active'
Jun  7 23:16:08 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Inactive'
Jun  7 23:16:36 hengjiede-iPad syncdefaultsd[1746] <Notice>: (Note ) marked "" topic as "opportunistic" on <APSConnection: 0x14c506a10>
Jun  7 23:17:57 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Active'
Jun  7 23:18:08 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Inactive'
Jun  7 23:19:41 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: AppleARMPMUCharger: limiting USB input current to 2000 mA (measured 1520 mA)
Jun  7 23:19:41 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: AppleARMPMUCharger: limiting USB input current to 1900 mA (measured 1431 mA)
Jun  7 23:19:41 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: AppleARMPMUCharger: limiting USB input current to 1800 mA (measured 1501 mA)
Jun  7 23:19:41 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: AppleARMPMUCharger: limiting USB input current to 1700 mA (measured 1496 mA)
Jun  7 23:19:41 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: AppleARMPMUCharger: limiting USB input current to 1600 mA (measured 1481 mA)
Jun  7 23:19:41 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: AppleARMPMUCharger: limiting USB input current to 1500 mA (measured 1434 mA)
Jun  7 23:19:57 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Active'
Jun  7 23:20:08 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Inactive'
Jun  7 23:21:57 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Active'
Jun  7 23:22:08 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Inactive'
Jun  7 23:22:49 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Stopped sensor calibration, fState, 2, successful, 1
Jun  7 23:22:49 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Stopped gyro calibration
Jun  7 23:23:57 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Active'
Jun  7 23:24:08 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Inactive'
Jun  7 23:24:24 hengjiede-iPad ubd[1747] <Warning>: iCloud Documents through ubd is deactivated, using bird instead (Nov  7 2014 : 20:42:00).
Jun  7 23:25:57 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Active'
Jun  7 23:26:08 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Inactive'
Jun  7 23:27:57 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Active'
Jun  7 23:28:08 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Inactive'
Jun  7 23:29:57 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Active'
Jun  7 23:30:08 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Inactive'
Jun  7 23:31:57 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Active'
Jun  7 23:32:08 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Inactive'
Jun  7 23:32:59 hengjiede-iPad cloudd[1634] <Error>: <CKDFetchRecordChangesURLRequest: 0x127eba840> sent request UUID F96EF56C-1CCB-44E6-8B04-0823C67ED24E, received f96ef56c-1ccb-44e6-8b04-0823c67ed24e
Jun  7 23:33:00 hengjiede-iPad cloudd[1634] <Error>: <CKDGetRecordZonesURLRequest: 0x127edbe30> sent request UUID A38795AD-0A5B-4CB4-BDB1-73BE6CE125D8, received a38795ad-0a5b-4cb4-bdb1-73be6ce125d8
Jun  7 23:33:01 hengjiede-iPad bird[1420] <Error>: SQLite[28]: file renamed while open:
Jun  7 23:33:57 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Active'
Jun  7 23:34:08 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Inactive'
Jun  7 23:34:24 hengjiede-iPad ubd[1748] <Warning>: iCloud Documents through ubd is deactivated, using bird instead (Nov  7 2014 : 20:42:00).
Jun  7 23:35:57 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Active'
Jun  7 23:36:08 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Inactive'
Jun  7 23:37:57 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Active'
Jun  7 23:38:08 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Inactive'
Jun  7 23:39:57 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Active'
Jun  7 23:40:08 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Inactive'
Jun  7 23:41:57 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Active'
Jun  7 23:42:08 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Inactive'
Jun  7 23:43:57 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Active'
Jun  7 23:44:08 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Inactive'
Jun  7 23:44:24 hengjiede-iPad ubd[1749] <Warning>: iCloud Documents through ubd is deactivated, using bird instead (Nov  7 2014 : 20:42:00).
Jun  7 23:45:57 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Active'
Jun  7 23:46:08 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Inactive'
Jun  7 23:47:57 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Active'
Jun  7 23:48:08 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Inactive'
Jun  7 23:49:57 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Active'
Jun  7 23:50:08 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Inactive'
Jun  7 23:50:49 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: AppleARMPMUCharger: AppleUSBCableDetect 0
Jun  7 23:50:49 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: AppleARMPMUCharger: AppleUSBCableType Detached
Jun  7 23:50:49 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: virtual IOReturn AppleUSBDeviceMux::message(UInt32, IOService *, void *) - kMessageInterfaceWasDeActivated
Jun  7 23:50:49 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: AppleUSBDeviceMux::reportStats: USB mux statistics: 
Jun  7 23:50:49 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: USB mux: 24934 reads / 0 errors, 40534 writes / 0 errors
Jun  7 23:50:49 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: USB mux: 0 short packets, 0 dups
Jun  7 23:50:49 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: void AppleUSBDeviceMux::asyncWriteComplete(struct USBWriteBuffer *, IOReturn, UInt32) Error sending 40 byte packet: 0xe0004050, failing
Jun  7 23:50:49 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: void AppleUSBDeviceMux::asyncWriteComplete(struct USBWriteBuffer *, IOReturn, UInt32) Error sending 353 byte packet: 0xe0004050, failing
Jun  7 23:50:49 hengjiede-iPad ptpd[1618] <Notice>: PTP interface has been deactivated.
Jun  7 23:50:49 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Active'
Jun  7 23:50:49 hengjiede-iPad notification_proxy[1495] <Error>: 0x10050c000 -[MNPLockdownConnection receiveMessage]: lockdown_receive_message error!
Jun  7 23:50:49 hengjiede-iPad notification_proxy[1495] <Error>: 0x10050c000 -[MNPLockdownConnection receiveMessage]: lockdown_receive_message error!
Jun  7 23:50:49 hengjiede-iPad notification_proxy[1495] <Error>: 0x10050c000 -[MNPLockdownConnection receiveMessage]: lockdown_receive_message error!
Jun  7 23:50:49 hengjiede-iPad notification_proxy[1495] <Error>: 0x10050c000 -[MNPLockdownConnection receiveMessage]: lockdown_receive_message error!
Jun  7 23:50:49 hengjiede-iPad notification_proxy[1495] <Error>: 0x10050c000 -[MNPLockdownConnection receiveMessage]: lockdown_receive_message error!
Jun  7 23:50:49 hengjiede-iPad backboardd[51] <Notice>: MultitouchHID: detection mode: 255->6 (deferring until bootloaded)
Jun  7 23:50:49 hengjiede-iPad SpringBoard[48] <Warning>: [MPUSystemMediaControls] Enabling lock screen media controls updates for screen turning on.
Jun  7 23:50:49 hengjiede-iPad backboardd[51] <Notice>: MultitouchHID: device bootloaded
Jun  7 23:50:49 hengjiede-iPad backboardd[51] <Notice>: MultitouchHID: detection mode: 6->6
Jun  7 23:50:49 hengjiede-iPad timed[1378] <Notice>: (Note ) CoreTime: Current mcc: '0' simulated:'0'.
Jun  7 23:50:49 hengjiede-iPad timed[1378] <Notice>: (Note ) CoreTime: Received timezone "Asia/Shanghai" from "Location" with mcc 0
Jun  7 23:50:49 hengjiede-iPad timed[1378] <Notice>: (Note ) CoreTime: Not setting time zone to Asia/Shanghai from Location because time zone is unchanged
Jun  7 23:50:58 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: AppleMultitouchN1SPI: updating power statistics
Jun  7 23:50:58 hengjiede-iPad SpringBoard[48] <Warning>: [MPUSystemMediaControls] Disabling lock screen media controls updates for screen turning off.
Jun  7 23:50:58 hengjiede-iPad backboardd[51] <Notice>: MultitouchHID: detection mode: 6->255
Jun  7 23:50:59 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Gesture EnabledForTopCLient: 0, EnabledInDaemonSettings: 0
Jun  7 23:51:00 hengjiede-iPad gputoolsd[1751] <Error>: <DYLockdownTransport: 0x15cd17510>: read io failure: Connection reset by peer (54)
Jun  7 23:51:03 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Inactive'
Jun  7 23:51:13 hengjiede-iPad notification_proxy[1495] <Error>: 0x100484000 -[MNPLockdownConnection receiveMessage]: lockdown_receive_message error!
Jun  7 23:51:51 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: PM response took 5542 ms (62, lockdownd)
Jun  7 23:51:51 hengjiede-iPad powerd[29] <Notice>: Entering Sleep state due to 'Idle Sleep': Using BATT (Charge:100%) 
Jun  7 23:51:51 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: 116007.508533 wlan0.N[29421] AppleBCMWLANCore::setPowerStateGated():   powerState 0, fStateFlags 0x30005, dev 0xffffff80919d4000 (this 0, provider 1)
Jun  7 23:51:51 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: 116007.508574 wlan0.N[29422] AppleBCMWLANCore::powerOffSystem():  : Powering Off and sleeping
Jun  7 23:51:51 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: 116007.508586 wlan0.N[29423] AppleBCMWLANCore::powerOff():  fStateFlags(30004)
Jun  7 23:51:51 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: 116007.535927 wlan0.N[29424] AppleBCMWLANCore::validAssociationForWoW(): DHCP Wake event 1 IsHotSpot 0 activeNATKeepAlives 0 LPAS 0
Jun  7 23:51:51 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: 116007.535962 wlan0.A[29425] AppleBCMWLANBGScanManager::configurePrivateMACForBGScans(): BG-SCAN PRIVATE MAC 0 0 0 0 0 0
Jun  7 23:51:51 hengjiede-iPad wifid[33] <Error>: _dispatchDriverAvailable: available 0, reason -528345084, subreason 0
Jun  7 23:51:51 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: 116007.548030 wlan0.A[29426] AppleBCMWLANCore::configureDMS(): Added Traffic Classifer 4
Jun  7 23:51:51 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: 116007.549991 wlan0.A[29427] AppleBCMWLANCore::configureNATKeepAlives(): Keep Alive Count Returned from XNU is 0
Jun  7 23:51:51 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: 116007.550020 wlan0.A[29428] AppleBCMWLANCore::configureWoWEntry(): Configuring NAT Keep-Alive Not Supported
Jun  7 23:51:51 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: 116007.580030 wlan0.A[29429] AppleBCMWLANConfigManager::configureRoamingProfile(): Received new roaming profile 1 (was 1, flag=0x2)
Jun  7 23:51:51 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: 116007.606021 wlan0.N[29430] AppleBCMWLANCore::powerOff():  Associated & WoW enabled, WiFi will remain up
Jun  7 23:51:51 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: AppleBCMWLANCore::powerStateChange type(0) to(0) async took 97 ms
Jun  7 23:51:51 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: 116007.606398 wlan0.N[29431] AppleBCMWLANCore::setPowerStateGated():   powerState 0, fStateFlags 0x20000, dev 0xffffff8091a55000 (this 1, provider 0)
Jun  7 23:51:51 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: wlan::powerStateChange type(0) to(2) async took 98 ms
Jun  7 23:51:51 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: ASPSEPNotifier::message - msg = 3758096912
Jun  7 23:51:51 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: IOReturn AppleSEPManager::_setPowerState(unsigned long *): power state 1 -> 0
Jun  7 23:51:51 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: AppleCS42L81Audio::disableAudio: CS42L81_CODECIntStatus_PDN_DONE bit not read previously
Jun  7 23:51:51 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: AppleSEP: sleep ART ready, saving
Jun  7 23:51:51 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: ART: 30 5f 02 01 00 30 38 02 03 00 ab 2e 04 14 0e e6 1f 07 c2 0b b2 41 c2 06 94 d2 c8 73 e9 d8 14 99 b3 28 04 14 14 18 bd b5 3c 39 28 07 ae 76 48 8b a5 39 34 9f d7 64 dc c9 04 00 31 03 c0 01 00 04 20 8f 9d 09 19 da 97 61 6b ad da ad aa a7 66 5b eb 99 a5 a5 9f 8a f8 47 21 ca e9 7e 30 7b 7b 4c 55 
Jun  7 23:51:51 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: bool AppleSEPARTStorage::save_incoming_art(const uint8_t *, const uint8_t *): Incoming art set and synched
Jun  7 23:51:51 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: ASPSEPNotifier::message - msg = 0
Jun  7 23:51:51 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: ASPSEPNotifier::message - kSEPNotifyOK2Sleep
Jun  7 23:51:51 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: AppleSEPManager::powerStateChange type(2) to(0) async took 221 ms
Jun  7 23:51:51 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: ASPStorage::powerStateChange type(2) to(0) async took 221 ms
Jun  7 23:51:51 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: AppleS5L8960XPerformanceController::_restorePMGRState: _pcPSRegs[2]=> 0x0
Jun  7 23:51:51 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: AppleS5L8960XPerformanceController::_restorePMGRState: _pcPSRegs[1]=> 0x1C0706
Jun  7 23:51:51 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: AppleS5L8960XPerformanceController::_restorePMGRState: _pcPSRegs[0]=> 0x68081B8
Jun  7 23:53:50 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: IOReturn AppleSEPManager::_setPowerState(unsigned long *): power state 0 -> 1
Jun  7 23:53:50 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: void AppleSEPBooter::_bootAction(void *, void *): SEP status: 1
Jun  7 23:53:50 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: void AppleSEPBooter::_bootAction(void *, void *): SEP status: 1
Jun  7 23:53:50 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: void AppleSEPBooter::_bootAction(void *, void *): SEP accepted Tz0
Jun  7 23:53:50 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: void AppleSEPBooter::_bootAction(void *, void *): SEP status: 2
Jun  7 23:53:50 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: void AppleSEPBooter::_bootAction(void *, void *): SEP status: 2
Jun  7 23:53:50 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: IOReturn AppleSEPBooter::bootSEP(AppleSEPFirmware *, AppleSEPSharedMemoryBuffer *, bool): load the art
Jun  7 23:53:50 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: IOReturn AppleSEPBooter::bootSEP(AppleSEPFirmware *, AppleSEPSharedMemoryBuffer *, bool): separt returned is 0xffffff8091f01d00
Jun  7 23:53:50 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: void AppleSEPBooter::_bootAction(void *, void *): SEP accepted SEPART
Jun  7 23:53:50 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: IOReturn AppleSEPBooter::bootSEP(AppleSEPFirmware *, AppleSEPSharedMemoryBuffer *, bool): SEP booting
Jun  7 23:53:50 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: 116007.969936 wlan0.N[29432] AppleBCMWLANCore::setPowerStateGated():   powerState 1, fStateFlags 0x20000, dev 0xffffff8091a55000 (this 1, provider 0)
Jun  7 23:53:50 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: 116007.969947 wlan0.N[29433] AppleBCMWLANCore::powerOnSystem():  : Powering On
Jun  7 23:53:50 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: 116007.969952 wlan0.N[29434] AppleBCMWLANCore::powerOn():  stateFlags(20001)
Jun  7 23:53:50 hengjiede-iPad discoveryd[50] <Notice>: Basic DNSResolver UDNSServer:: PowerState is Wakeup
Jun  7 23:53:50 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: void AppleSEPBooter::_bootAction(void *, void *): SEP resumed from RAM
Jun  7 23:53:50 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: AppleSEPManager::powerStateChange type(2) to(1) async took 56 ms
Jun  7 23:53:50 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: void AppleSEPManager::notifyOSActive(): SEP/OS is alive
Jun  7 23:53:50 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: void AppleSEPManager::_updateDeviceTree(): updateDeviceTreeThread started
Jun  7 23:53:50 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: ASPSEPNotifier::message - msg = 3758096944
Jun  7 23:53:50 hengjiede-iPad CLTM[17] <Notice>: CLTM: resetting temps: now = 1433692430, last update = 1433692306
Jun  7 23:53:50 hengjiede-iPad powerd[29] <Notice>: 
Jun  7 23:53:50 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: ASPSEPNotifier::message - msg = 1
Jun  7 23:53:50 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: ASPSEPNotifier::message - kSEPNotifyOK2Wrap
Jun  7 23:53:50 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: static void AppleSEPManager::_updateDeviceTreeThread(void *): updateDeviceTree Success
Jun  7 23:53:50 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Active'
Jun  7 23:53:50 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: 116008.177730 wlan0.N[29435] AppleBCMWLANCore::calculateAvailableRoamTime(): available roam time for WoW is -1 secs
Jun  7 23:53:50 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: 116008.177767 wlan0.A[29436] AppleBCMWLANCore::processPowerStatsChangesInSleep(): WOW (0x6) power report: MpcDuration 0ms PmDuration 118680ms SleepDuration 119493ms DutyCycle 0.6% RoamScanDuration 0ms ConnectTime 0ms AvailableRoamTime -1ms
Jun  7 23:53:50 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: 116008.185207 wlan0.A[29437] AppleBCMWLANBGScanManager::configurePrivateMACForBGScans(): BG-SCAN PRIVATE MAC 0 0 0 0 0 0
Jun  7 23:53:50 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: 116008.185257 wlan0.A[29438] AppleBCMWLANCore::powerOn():  Tearing down WoW mode
Jun  7 23:53:50 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: 116008.195150 wlan0.A[29439] AppleBCMWLANCore::configureAssociatedWNMModeExit(): Terminated WNM Service
Jun  7 23:53:50 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: 116008.213228 wlan0.A[29440] AppleBCMWLANConfigManager::configureRoamingProfile(): Received new roaming profile 1 (was 1, flag=0x0)
Jun  7 23:53:50 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: en0: BSSID changed to 84:1b:5e:7a:95:31
Jun  7 23:53:50 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: AppleBCMWLANCore::powerStateChange type(2) to(1) async took 264 ms
Jun  7 23:53:50 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: system wake events:dock
Jun  7 23:53:50 hengjiede-iPad wifid[33] <Error>: _dispatchDriverAvailable: available 1, reason -528345085, subreason 0
Jun  7 23:53:50 hengjiede-iPad powerd[29] <Notice>: Wake [CDNVA] due to /: Using BATT (Charge:100%)
Jun  7 23:53:50 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: AppleARMPMUCharger: AppleUSBCableDetect 0
Jun  7 23:53:50 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: AppleARMPMUCharger: AppleUSBCableType Detached
Jun  7 23:53:50 hengjiede-iPad powerd[29] <Notice>: 
Jun  7 23:53:50 hengjiede-iPad discoveryd[50] <Notice>: Basic DNSResolver UDNSServer:: PowerState is Wakeup
Jun  7 23:53:53 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: AppleARMPMUCharger: AppleUSBCableDetect 1
Jun  7 23:53:53 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: AppleARMPMUCharger: AppleUSBCableType USBHost
Jun  7 23:53:54 hengjiede-iPad backboardd[51] <Notice>: MultitouchHID: detection mode: 255->6 (deferring until bootloaded)
Jun  7 23:53:54 hengjiede-iPad SpringBoard[48] <Warning>: [MPUSystemMediaControls] Enabling lock screen media controls updates for screen turning on.
Jun  7 23:53:54 hengjiede-iPad backboardd[51] <Notice>: MultitouchHID: device bootloaded
Jun  7 23:53:54 hengjiede-iPad backboardd[51] <Notice>: MultitouchHID: detection mode: 6->6
Jun  7 23:53:54 hengjiede-iPad ptpd[1752] <Error>: ptpd: startResponder
Jun  7 23:53:54 hengjiede-iPad routined[1399] <Notice>: 455385234.569839 (6/7/15, 11:53:54 PM GMT+8), [DATABASE]: failed to execute statement
Jun  7 23:53:54 hengjiede-iPad routined[1399] <Notice>: 455385234.574198 (6/7/15, 11:53:54 PM GMT+8), [DATABASE]: statement, INSERT INTO Hint (Timestamp, Latitude, Longitude, HorizontalAccuracy) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?), return code, 19, error, UNIQUE constraint failed: Hint.Timestamp, Hint.Latitude, Hint.Longitude
Jun  7 23:53:54 hengjiede-iPad routined[1399] <Notice>: 455385234.574500 (6/7/15, 11:53:54 PM GMT+8), [DATABASE]: failed to finalize statement
Jun  7 23:53:54 hengjiede-iPad routined[1399] <Notice>: 455385234.574727 (6/7/15, 11:53:54 PM GMT+8), [DATABASE]: statement, , return code, 19, error, UNIQUE constraint failed: Hint.Timestamp, Hint.Latitude, Hint.Longitude
Jun  7 23:53:54 hengjiede-iPad installd[1630] <Notice>: 0x100484000 -[MIClientConnection lookupUninstalledWithOptions:completion:]: Lookup uninstalled requested by atc (pid 1620) with options (null)
Jun  7 23:53:54 hengjiede-iPad ptpd[1752] <Notice>: Photo library available
Jun  7 23:53:54 hengjiede-iPad ptpd[1752] <Notice>: PTP interface has been activated at high speed.
Jun  7 23:53:55 hengjiede-iPad timed[1378] <Notice>: (Note ) CoreTime: Received time 06/07/2015 15:53:54±60.00 from "MobileLockdown"
Jun  7 23:53:55 hengjiede-iPad timed[1378] <Notice>: (Note ) CoreTime: Want active time in 1318.52min. Need active time in 3425.36min. Remaining retry interval: 0.000000min.
Jun  7 23:53:55 hengjiede-iPad UserEventAgent[17] <Warning>: BTA <ERROR>: validateAndAddDefaults( End Time (inf) > now (455385235.1) + BACKGROUND_TASK_AGENT_JOB_WINDOW_MAX_TIME_FROM_NOW_SEC (3024000.0) + BACKGROUND_TASK_AGENT_JOB_TIME_ERROR_MARGIN (300.0)
Jun  7 23:53:55 hengjiede-iPad timed[1378] <Notice>: (Error) CoreTime: Error requesting proactive time check job
Jun  7 23:53:55 hengjiede-iPad timed[1378] <Notice>: (Note ) CoreTime: Current mcc: '0' simulated:'0'.
Jun  7 23:53:55 hengjiede-iPad timed[1378] <Notice>: (Note ) CoreTime: Received timezone "Asia/Chongqing" from "MobileLockdown" with mcc 0
Jun  7 23:53:55 hengjiede-iPad MobileStorageMounter[1756] <Error>: 0x198a22310 Device-O-Matic: iterate_ancestors IORegistryEntryGetParentIterator failed: No such process
Jun  7 23:53:55 hengjiede-iPad MobileStorageMounter[1756] <Error>: 0x198a22310 Device-O-Matic: iterate_ancestors IORegistryEntryGetParentIterator failed: No such file or directory
Jun  7 23:53:55 hengjiede-iPad MobileStorageMounter[1756] <Error>: 0x198a22310 Device-O-Matic: iterate_ancestors IORegistryEntryGetParentIterator failed: No such file or directory
Jun  7 23:53:55 hengjiede-iPad MobileStorageMounter[1756] <Error>: 0x198a22310 Device-O-Matic: iterate_ancestors IORegistryEntryGetParentIterator failed: No such file or directory
Jun  7 23:53:55 hengjiede-iPad MobileStorageMounter[1756] <Error>: 0x198a22310 Device-O-Matic: iterate_ancestors IORegistryEntryGetParentIterator failed: No such file or directory
Jun  7 23:53:55 hengjiede-iPad MobileStorageMounter[1756] <Error>: 0x198a22310 Device-O-Matic: iterate_ancestors IORegistryEntryGetParentIterator failed: No such file or directory
Jun  7 23:53:55 hengjiede-iPad MobileStorageMounter[1756] <Error>: 0x198a22310 Device-O-Matic: iterate_ancestors IORegistryEntryGetParentIterator failed: No such file or directory
Jun  7 23:53:56 hengjiede-iPad backupd[1755] <Warning>: INFO: Scheduling next backup at 6/8/15, 10:32:55 PM
Jun  7 23:53:56 hengjiede-iPad lockdownd[62] <Error>: CFStringGetCString error in locklog
Jun  7 23:53:56 hengjiede-iPad mobile_assertion_agent[1625] <Notice>: service_one_connection: Connection closed for client iTunes.
Jun  7 23:54:01 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Gesture EnabledForTopCLient: 0, EnabledInDaemonSettings: 0
Jun  7 23:54:02 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: AppleMultitouchN1SPI: updating power statistics
Jun  7 23:54:02 hengjiede-iPad SpringBoard[48] <Warning>: [MPUSystemMediaControls] Disabling lock screen media controls updates for screen turning off.
Jun  7 23:54:02 hengjiede-iPad backboardd[51] <Notice>: MultitouchHID: detection mode: 6->255
Jun  7 23:54:02 hengjiede-iPad installd[1630] <Error>: 0x100594000 +[MIContainer allContainersForIdentifier:options:error:]: Failed to find app with bundle ID
Jun  7 23:54:02 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Gesture EnabledForTopCLient: 0, EnabledInDaemonSettings: 0
Jun  7 23:54:05 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: 116023.326684 wlan0.A[29441] AppleBCMWLANCore::dumpWmeCounters():  per AC tx counters: 1920798 153228 42472 14180, rx counters: 4207742 40231 0 1871 
Jun  7 23:54:05 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: 116023.326714 wlan0.A[29442] AppleBCMWLANCore::dumpWmeCounters():                AWDL: Tx 0 0 0 0      Rx: 0 0 0 0 
Jun  7 23:54:07 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Inactive'
Jun  7 23:54:20 hengjiede-iPad iaptransportd[63] <Warning>: CIapPortAppleIDBus: Auth timer timeout completed on pAIDBPort:0x1265159f0, portID:01 downstream port
Jun  7 23:54:45 hengjiede-iPad backboardd[51] <Notice>: MultitouchHID: detection mode: 255->6 (deferring until bootloaded)
Jun  7 23:54:45 hengjiede-iPad SpringBoard[48] <Warning>: [MPUSystemMediaControls] Enabling lock screen media controls updates for screen turning on.
Jun  7 23:54:45 hengjiede-iPad sharingd[54] <Notice>: 23:54:45.171 : Stopping Handoff scanning
Jun  7 23:54:45 hengjiede-iPad wirelessproxd[49] <Notice>: (Error) trying to stop a scan while the central isn't available
Jun  7 23:54:45 hengjiede-iPad backboardd[51] <Notice>: MultitouchHID: device bootloaded
Jun  7 23:54:45 hengjiede-iPad backboardd[51] <Notice>: MultitouchHID: detection mode: 6->6
Jun  7 23:54:46 hengjiede-iPad backboardd[51] <Notice>: MultitouchHID: detection mode: 6->3
Jun  7 23:54:46 hengjiede-iPad sharingd[54] <Notice>: 23:54:46.557 : Stopping Handoff scanning
Jun  7 23:54:46 hengjiede-iPad wirelessproxd[49] <Notice>: (Error) trying to stop a scan while the central isn't available
Jun  7 23:54:46 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Gesture EnabledForTopCLient: 0, EnabledInDaemonSettings: 0
Jun  7 23:54:46 hengjiede-iPad wirelessproxd[49] <Warning>: (Warn ) CoreBluetooth: API MISUSE: <CBCentralManager: 0x12550b8b0> can only accept this command while in the powered on state
Jun  7 23:54:46 hengjiede-iPad notification_proxy[1495] <Error>: 0x10050c000 -[MNPLockdownConnection receiveMessage]: lockdown_receive_message error!
Jun  7 23:54:46 hengjiede-iPad notification_proxy[1495] <Error>: 0x100484000 -[MNPLockdownConnection receiveMessage]: lockdown_receive_message error!
Jun  7 23:54:46 hengjiede-iPad crash_mover[1759] <Notice>: (Error) NPSLogging: <NPSDomainAccessor.m +[NPSDomainAccessor resolveActivePairedDevicePairingID:pairingDataStore:]:41> Failed to resolve pairing ID ((null)) or data store ((null)) for active device
Jun  7 23:54:50 hengjiede-iPad notification_proxy[1495] <Error>: 0x100594000 -[MNPLockdownConnection receiveMessage]: lockdown_receive_message error!
Jun  7 23:54:52 hengjiede-iPad syslog_relay[1628] <Notice>: syslog_relay read 51 total bytes: 
    ASL is here to serve you
Jun  7 23:54:52 hengjiede-iPad syslog_relay[1628] <Notice>: syslog_relay found the ASL prompt. Starting...
Jun  7 23:54:52 hengjiede-iPad syslog_relay[1628] <Notice>: syslog_relay found the ASL prompt. Starting...
Jun  7 23:54:53 hengjiede-iPad SpringBoard[48] <Warning>: Entitlement required to kill applications.
Jun  7 23:54:53 hengjiede-iPad[1] (UIKitApplication:chj.ToDoList[0x4c68][1706]) <Notice>: Service exited due to signal: Killed: 9
Jun  7 23:54:53 hengjiede-iPad SpringBoard[48] <Warning>: Unable to get short BSD proc info for 1706: No such process
Jun  7 23:54:53 hengjiede-iPad SpringBoard[48] <Warning>: Unable to get short BSD proc info for 1706: No such process
Jun  7 23:54:53 hengjiede-iPad SpringBoard[48] <Warning>: Application 'UIKitApplication:chj.ToDoList[0x4c68]' exited abnormally via signal.
Jun  7 23:54:53 hengjiede-iPad assertiond[58] <Warning>: Could not set priority of <BKNewProcess: 0x15752ad80; chj.ToDoList; pid: 1706; hostpid: -1> to 2, priority: No such process
Jun  7 23:54:53 hengjiede-iPad assertiond[58] <Warning>: Could not set priority of <BKNewProcess: 0x15752ad80; chj.ToDoList; pid: 1706; hostpid: -1> to 4096, priority: No such process
Jun  7 23:54:55 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: xpcproxy[1762] Container: /private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/C6DB7F6A-0F31-46AB-8A44-978B1B00657E (sandbox)
Jun  7 23:54:53 hengjiede-iPad ToDoList[1762] <Error>: assertion failed: 12D508: libxpc.dylib + 71792 [3C982BC2-5B46-305A-9A09-3C3D15332820]: 0x7d
Jun  7 23:54:53 hengjiede-iPad Unknown[1762] <Error>: 
Jun  7 23:54:53 hengjiede-iPad ToDoList[1762] <Warning>: NSMainNibFile and UIMainStoryboardFile are both set. NSMainNibFile ignored.
Jun  7 23:54:53 hengjiede-iPad ScriptAgent[1763] <Warning>: UIAutomation is not enabled on this device. UIAutomation must be enabled in Settings.
Jun  7 23:54:53 hengjiede-iPad notification_proxy[1495] <Error>: 0x100594000 -[MNPLockdownConnection receiveMessage]: lockdown_receive_message error!
Jun  7 23:54:53 hengjiede-iPad notification_proxy[1495] <Error>: 0x10050c000 -[MNPLockdownConnection receiveMessage]: lockdown_receive_message error!
Jun  7 23:54:53 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Gesture EnabledForTopCLient: 0, EnabledInDaemonSettings: 0
Jun  7 23:54:53 hengjiede-iPad ScriptAgent[1763] <Warning>: UIAutomation is not enabled on this device. UIAutomation must be enabled in Settings.
Jun  7 23:54:53 hengjiede-iPad ScriptAgent[1763] <Error>: *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'kUIAExceptionUIAutomationNotEnabled', reason: 'UIAutomation is not enabled on this device. UIAutomation must be enabled in Settings.'
    *** First throw call stack:
    (0x183302530 0x1942c00e4 0x183302470 0x10019bf28 0x10019be34 0x1000e7a44 0x1841fa4ec 0x1832bad34 0x1832b9fd8 0x1832b8088 0x1831e51f4 0x1841120b8 0x18416c5d8 0x1000cf648 0x19493ea08)
Jun  7 23:54:53 hengjiede-iPad ReportCrash[1764] <Error>: task_set_exception_ports(B07, 400, D03, 0, 0) failed with error (4: (os/kern) invalid argument)
Jun  7 23:54:53 hengjiede-iPad ReportCrash[1764] <Notice>: ReportCrash acting against PID 1763
Jun  7 23:54:53 hengjiede-iPad ReportCrash[1764] <Notice>: Formulating crash report for process ScriptAgent[1763]
Jun  7 23:54:54 hengjiede-iPad ReportCrash[1764] <Notice>: Saved report to /var/mobile/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/ScriptAgent_2015-06-07-235453_hengjiede-iPad.ips
Jun  7 23:54:54 hengjiede-iPad SpringBoard[48] <Warning>: Unable to get short BSD proc info for 1762: No such process
Jun  7 23:54:54 hengjiede-iPad[1] (UIKitApplication:chj.ToDoList[0xc216][1762]) <Notice>: Service exited due to signal: Killed: 9
Jun  7 23:54:54 hengjiede-iPad SpringBoard[48] <Warning>: Application 'UIKitApplication:chj.ToDoList[0xc216]' exited abnormally via signal.
Jun  7 23:54:54 hengjiede-iPad DTMobileIS[1652] <Warning>: Could not create service named
Jun  7 23:54:54 hengjiede-iPad DTMobileIS[1652] <Warning>: Could not create service named
Jun  7 23:54:54 hengjiede-iPad notification_proxy[1495] <Error>: 0x100484000 -[MNPLockdownConnection receiveMessage]: lockdown_receive_message error!
Jun  7 23:54:54 hengjiede-iPad notification_proxy[1495] <Error>: 0x10050c000 -[MNPLockdownConnection receiveMessage]: lockdown_receive_message error!
Jun  7 23:54:58 hengjiede-iPad notification_proxy[1495] <Error>: 0x10050c000 -[MNPLockdownConnection receiveMessage]: lockdown_receive_message error!
Jun  7 23:54:58 hengjiede-iPad crash_mover[1766] <Notice>: (Error) NPSLogging: <NPSDomainAccessor.m +[NPSDomainAccessor resolveActivePairedDevicePairingID:pairingDataStore:]:41> Failed to resolve pairing ID ((null)) or data store ((null)) for active device
Jun  7 23:55:05 hengjiede-iPad notification_proxy[1495] <Error>: 0x100594000 -[MNPLockdownConnection receiveMessage]: lockdown_receive_message error!
Jun  7 23:55:06 hengjiede-iPad DTMobileIS[1652] <Warning>: Could not create service named
Jun  7 23:55:06 hengjiede-iPad DTMobileIS[1652] <Warning>: Could not create service named
Jun  7 23:55:06 hengjiede-iPad notification_proxy[1495] <Error>: 0x100594000 -[MNPLockdownConnection receiveMessage]: lockdown_receive_message error!
Jun  7 23:55:06 hengjiede-iPad notification_proxy[1495] <Error>: 0x100594000 -[MNPLockdownConnection receiveMessage]: lockdown_receive_message error!
Jun  7 23:55:07 hengjiede-iPad DTMobileIS[1652] <Warning>: Could not create service named
Jun  7 23:55:07 hengjiede-iPad DTMobileIS[1652] <Warning>: Could not create service named
Jun  7 23:55:07 hengjiede-iPad notification_proxy[1495] <Error>: 0x100484000 -[MNPLockdownConnection receiveMessage]: lockdown_receive_message error!
Jun  7 23:55:07 hengjiede-iPad notification_proxy[1495] <Error>: 0x100594000 -[MNPLockdownConnection receiveMessage]: lockdown_receive_message error!
Jun  7 23:55:35 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Gesture EnabledForTopCLient: 0, EnabledInDaemonSettings: 0
Jun  7 23:55:35 hengjiede-iPad Preferences[1770] <Error>: assertion failed: 12D508: libxpc.dylib + 71792 [3C982BC2-5B46-305A-9A09-3C3D15332820]: 0x7d
Jun  7 23:55:35 hengjiede-iPad Unknown[1770] <Error>: 
Jun  7 23:55:35 hengjiede-iPad UserEventAgent[17] <Warning>: Tracking (via activity)
Jun  7 23:55:35 hengjiede-iPad Preferences[1770] <Error>: mms: ***** isMmsConfigured = 0
Jun  7 23:55:35 hengjiede-iPad Preferences[1770] <Warning>: BTM: attaching to BTServer
Jun  7 23:55:48 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Gesture EnabledForTopCLient: 0, EnabledInDaemonSettings: 0
Jun  7 23:55:56 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Active'
Jun  7 23:56:07 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Inactive'
Jun  7 23:56:23 hengjiede-iPad ubd[1771] <Warning>: iCloud Documents through ubd is deactivated, using bird instead (Nov  7 2014 : 20:42:00).
Jun  7 23:57:06 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Gesture EnabledForTopCLient: 0, EnabledInDaemonSettings: 0
Jun  7 23:57:56 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Active'
Jun  7 23:58:07 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Inactive'
Jun  7 23:58:14 hengjiede-iPad notification_proxy[1495] <Error>: 0x100484000 -[MNPLockdownConnection receiveMessage]: lockdown_receive_message error!
Jun  7 23:58:14 hengjiede-iPad notification_proxy[1495] <Error>: 0x10050c000 -[MNPLockdownConnection receiveMessage]: lockdown_receive_message error!
Jun  7 23:58:14 hengjiede-iPad crash_mover[1773] <Notice>: (Error) NPSLogging: <NPSDomainAccessor.m +[NPSDomainAccessor resolveActivePairedDevicePairingID:pairingDataStore:]:41> Failed to resolve pairing ID ((null)) or data store ((null)) for active device
Jun  7 23:58:18 hengjiede-iPad notification_proxy[1495] <Error>: 0x10050c000 -[MNPLockdownConnection receiveMessage]: lockdown_receive_message error!
Jun  7 23:58:18 hengjiede-iPad notification_proxy[1495] <Error>: 0x10050c000 -[MNPLockdownConnection receiveMessage]: lockdown_receive_message error!
Jun  7 23:58:20 hengjiede-iPad syslog_relay[1628] <Notice>: syslog_relay read 51 total bytes: 
    ASL is here to serve you
Jun  7 23:58:20 hengjiede-iPad syslog_relay[1628] <Notice>: syslog_relay found the ASL prompt. Starting...
Jun  7 23:58:20 hengjiede-iPad syslog_relay[1628] <Notice>: syslog_relay found the ASL prompt. Starting...
Jun  7 23:58:21 hengjiede-iPad SpringBoard[48] <Warning>: Entitlement required to kill applications.
Jun  7 23:58:24 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: xpcproxy[1776] Container: /private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/C6DB7F6A-0F31-46AB-8A44-978B1B00657E (sandbox)
Jun  7 23:58:21 hengjiede-iPad ToDoList[1776] <Error>: assertion failed: 12D508: libxpc.dylib + 71792 [3C982BC2-5B46-305A-9A09-3C3D15332820]: 0x7d
Jun  7 23:58:21 hengjiede-iPad Unknown[1776] <Error>: 
Jun  7 23:58:21 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Gesture EnabledForTopCLient: 0, EnabledInDaemonSettings: 0
Jun  7 23:58:21 hengjiede-iPad ToDoList[1776] <Warning>: NSMainNibFile and UIMainStoryboardFile are both set. NSMainNibFile ignored.
Jun  7 23:58:22 hengjiede-iPad notification_proxy[1495] <Error>: 0x100594000 -[MNPLockdownConnection receiveMessage]: lockdown_receive_message error!
Jun  7 23:58:22 hengjiede-iPad notification_proxy[1495] <Error>: 0x100594000 -[MNPLockdownConnection receiveMessage]: lockdown_receive_message error!
Jun  7 23:58:23 hengjiede-iPad Preferences[1770] <Warning>: /SourceCache/ExternalAccessory/ExternalAccessory-287/EAAccessoryManager.m:__51-[EAAccessoryManager _checkForConnectedAccessories]_block_invoke-631 ending background task
Jun  7 23:58:27 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Gesture EnabledForTopCLient: 0, EnabledInDaemonSettings: 0
Jun  7 23:58:30 hengjiede-iPad MobileGestaltHelper[1577] <Error>: libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:273: server_access_check denied access to question UniqueDeviceID for pid 1777
Jun  7 23:58:30 hengjiede-iPad ScriptAgent[1777] <Error>: libMobileGestalt MobileGestaltSupport.m:170: pid 1777 (ScriptAgent) does not have sandbox access for re6Zb+zwFKJNlkQTUeT+/w and IS NOT appropriately entitled
Jun  7 23:58:30 hengjiede-iPad ScriptAgent[1777] <Error>: libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:534: no access to UniqueDeviceID (see <rdar://problem/11744455>)
Jun  7 23:58:30 hengjiede-iPad ScriptAgent[1777] <Warning>: Warning - Unable to stop script because the script was already stopped.
Jun  7 23:58:31 hengjiede-iPad SpringBoard[48] <Warning>: Unable to get short BSD proc info for 1776: No such process
Jun  7 23:58:31 hengjiede-iPad SpringBoard[48] <Warning>: Unable to get short BSD proc info for 1776: No such process
Jun  7 23:58:31 hengjiede-iPad SpringBoard[48] <Warning>: Unable to get short BSD proc info for 1776: No such process
Jun  7 23:58:31 hengjiede-iPad[1] (UIKitApplication:chj.ToDoList[0x9349][1776]) <Notice>: Service exited due to signal: Killed: 9
Jun  7 23:58:31 hengjiede-iPad SpringBoard[48] <Warning>: Application 'UIKitApplication:chj.ToDoList[0x9349]' exited abnormally via signal.
Jun  7 23:58:31 hengjiede-iPad assertiond[58] <Warning>: pid_suspend failed for <BKNewProcess: 0x157631d50; chj.ToDoList; pid: 1776; hostpid: -1>: Unknown error: -1, Unknown error: -1
Jun  7 23:58:31 hengjiede-iPad assertiond[58] <Warning>: Could not set priority of <BKNewProcess: 0x157631d50; chj.ToDoList; pid: 1776; hostpid: -1> to 2, priority: No such process
Jun  7 23:58:31 hengjiede-iPad assertiond[58] <Warning>: Could not set priority of <BKNewProcess: 0x157631d50; chj.ToDoList; pid: 1776; hostpid: -1> to 4096, priority: No such process
Jun  7 23:58:31 hengjiede-iPad DTMobileIS[1652] <Warning>: Could not create service named
Jun  7 23:58:31 hengjiede-iPad DTMobileIS[1652] <Warning>: Could not create service named
Jun  7 23:58:31 hengjiede-iPad notification_proxy[1495] <Error>: 0x10061c000 -[MNPLockdownConnection receiveMessage]: lockdown_receive_message error!
Jun  7 23:58:31 hengjiede-iPad notification_proxy[1495] <Error>: 0x100484000 -[MNPLockdownConnection receiveMessage]: lockdown_receive_message error!
Jun  7 23:58:36 hengjiede-iPad notification_proxy[1495] <Error>: 0x100484000 -[MNPLockdownConnection receiveMessage]: lockdown_receive_message error!
Jun  7 23:58:36 hengjiede-iPad notification_proxy[1495] <Error>: 0x100484000 -[MNPLockdownConnection receiveMessage]: lockdown_receive_message error!
Jun  7 23:58:36 hengjiede-iPad crash_mover[1779] <Notice>: (Error) NPSLogging: <NPSDomainAccessor.m +[NPSDomainAccessor resolveActivePairedDevicePairingID:pairingDataStore:]:41> Failed to resolve pairing ID ((null)) or data store ((null)) for active device
Jun  7 23:58:44 hengjiede-iPad DTMobileIS[1652] <Warning>: Could not create service named
Jun  7 23:58:44 hengjiede-iPad DTMobileIS[1652] <Warning>: Could not create service named
Jun  7 23:58:44 hengjiede-iPad notification_proxy[1495] <Error>: 0x10061c000 -[MNPLockdownConnection receiveMessage]: lockdown_receive_message error!
Jun  7 23:58:45 hengjiede-iPad DTMobileIS[1652] <Warning>: Could not create service named
Jun  7 23:58:45 hengjiede-iPad DTMobileIS[1652] <Warning>: Could not create service named
Jun  7 23:58:45 hengjiede-iPad notification_proxy[1495] <Error>: 0x10050c000 -[MNPLockdownConnection receiveMessage]: lockdown_receive_message error!
Jun  7 23:58:46 hengjiede-iPad notification_proxy[1495] <Error>: 0x10061c000 -[MNPLockdownConnection receiveMessage]: lockdown_receive_message error!
Jun  7 23:59:37 hengjiede-iPad notification_proxy[1495] <Error>: 0x10050c000 -[MNPLockdownConnection receiveMessage]: lockdown_receive_message error!
Jun  7 23:59:37 hengjiede-iPad notification_proxy[1495] <Error>: 0x10050c000 -[MNPLockdownConnection receiveMessage]: lockdown_receive_message error!
Jun  7 23:59:37 hengjiede-iPad crash_mover[1784] <Notice>: (Error) NPSLogging: <NPSDomainAccessor.m +[NPSDomainAccessor resolveActivePairedDevicePairingID:pairingDataStore:]:41> Failed to resolve pairing ID ((null)) or data store ((null)) for active device
Jun  7 23:59:41 hengjiede-iPad notification_proxy[1495] <Error>: 0x100594000 -[MNPLockdownConnection receiveMessage]: lockdown_receive_message error!
Jun  7 23:59:43 hengjiede-iPad syslog_relay[1628] <Notice>: syslog_relay read 51 total bytes: 
    ASL is here to serve you
Jun  7 23:59:43 hengjiede-iPad syslog_relay[1628] <Notice>: syslog_relay found the ASL prompt. Starting...
Jun  7 23:59:43 hengjiede-iPad syslog_relay[1628] <Notice>: syslog_relay found the ASL prompt. Starting...
Jun  7 23:59:43 hengjiede-iPad SpringBoard[48] <Warning>: Entitlement required to kill applications.
Jun  7 23:59:46 hengjiede-iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: xpcproxy[1787] Container: /private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/C6DB7F6A-0F31-46AB-8A44-978B1B00657E (sandbox)
Jun  7 23:59:43 hengjiede-iPad ToDoList[1787] <Error>: assertion failed: 12D508: libxpc.dylib + 71792 [3C982BC2-5B46-305A-9A09-3C3D15332820]: 0x7d
Jun  7 23:59:43 hengjiede-iPad Unknown[1787] <Error>: 
Jun  7 23:59:43 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Gesture EnabledForTopCLient: 0, EnabledInDaemonSettings: 0
Jun  7 23:59:43 hengjiede-iPad ToDoList[1787] <Warning>: NSMainNibFile and UIMainStoryboardFile are both set. NSMainNibFile ignored.
Jun  7 23:59:44 hengjiede-iPad notification_proxy[1495] <Error>: 0x100594000 -[MNPLockdownConnection receiveMessage]: lockdown_receive_message error!
Jun  7 23:59:44 hengjiede-iPad notification_proxy[1495] <Error>: 0x10061c000 -[MNPLockdownConnection receiveMessage]: lockdown_receive_message error!
Jun  7 23:59:49 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Gesture EnabledForTopCLient: 0, EnabledInDaemonSettings: 0
Jun  7 23:59:52 hengjiede-iPad MobileGestaltHelper[1577] <Error>: libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:273: server_access_check denied access to question UniqueDeviceID for pid 1788
Jun  7 23:59:52 hengjiede-iPad ScriptAgent[1788] <Error>: libMobileGestalt MobileGestaltSupport.m:170: pid 1788 (ScriptAgent) does not have sandbox access for re6Zb+zwFKJNlkQTUeT+/w and IS NOT appropriately entitled
Jun  7 23:59:52 hengjiede-iPad ScriptAgent[1788] <Error>: libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:534: no access to UniqueDeviceID (see <rdar://problem/11744455>)
Jun  7 23:59:53 hengjiede-iPad ScriptAgent[1788] <Warning>: Warning - Unable to stop script because the script was already stopped.
Jun  7 23:59:53 hengjiede-iPad[1] (UIKitApplication:chj.ToDoList[0xb56c][1787]) <Notice>: Service exited due to signal: Killed: 9
Jun  7 23:59:53 hengjiede-iPad SpringBoard[48] <Warning>: Unable to get short BSD proc info for 1787: No such process
Jun  7 23:59:53 hengjiede-iPad SpringBoard[48] <Warning>: Unable to get short BSD proc info for 1787: No such process
Jun  7 23:59:53 hengjiede-iPad SpringBoard[48] <Warning>: Unable to get short BSD proc info for 1787: No such process
Jun  7 23:59:53 hengjiede-iPad SpringBoard[48] <Warning>: Application 'UIKitApplication:chj.ToDoList[0xb56c]' exited abnormally via signal.
Jun  7 23:59:53 hengjiede-iPad assertiond[58] <Warning>: pid_suspend failed for <BKNewProcess: 0x157631e80; chj.ToDoList; pid: 1787; hostpid: -1>: Unknown error: -1, Unknown error: -1
Jun  7 23:59:53 hengjiede-iPad assertiond[58] <Warning>: Could not set priority of <BKNewProcess: 0x157631e80; chj.ToDoList; pid: 1787; hostpid: -1> to 2, priority: No such process
Jun  7 23:59:53 hengjiede-iPad assertiond[58] <Warning>: Could not set priority of <BKNewProcess: 0x157631e80; chj.ToDoList; pid: 1787; hostpid: -1> to 4096, priority: No such process
Jun  7 23:59:53 hengjiede-iPad ScriptAgent[1789] <Warning>: Warning - Unable to stop script because the script was already stopped.
Jun  7 23:59:54 hengjiede-iPad DTMobileIS[1652] <Warning>: Could not create service named
Jun  7 23:59:54 hengjiede-iPad DTMobileIS[1652] <Warning>: Could not create service named
Jun  7 23:59:54 hengjiede-iPad notification_proxy[1495] <Error>: 0x100484000 -[MNPLockdownConnection receiveMessage]: lockdown_receive_message error!
Jun  7 23:59:54 hengjiede-iPad notification_proxy[1495] <Error>: 0x10050c000 -[MNPLockdownConnection receiveMessage]: lockdown_receive_message error!
Jun  7 23:59:56 hengjiede-iPad locationd[55] <Notice>: Location icon should now be in state 'Active'
vigossjjj commented 9 years ago
