vigossjjj / CrashMonkey4IOS

iOS Monkey Test Tool.
MIT License
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为什么run不起来呢,error code -21 #79

Open li-qingnan opened 7 years ago

li-qingnan commented 7 years ago

ERROR: Could not connect to lockdownd, error code -21

HongliYu commented 7 years ago

ERROR: Could not connect to lockdownd, error code -19

CatOnly commented 7 years ago

我也是 真机测试:iOS 10.1,Xcode 8.0,OSX 10.11.6 ERROR: Could not connect to lockdownd, error code -21 然后又报错 instruments[31689:8241998] *\ -[__NSCFConstantString stringByAppendingPathExtension:]: cannot append extension 'tracetemplate' to path '' Instruments Usage Error: The specified template '' does not exist.


ruanshurui commented 7 years ago

执行命令:smart_monkey -a *** -w 38a5b6235492941678c39b9ac24cf9c31ddbc9e5 --event-number 1000 我也是报这个错,如果用模拟器的话提示Invalid device, Please given a vaild device! 求回复~

1214503056 commented 7 years ago

大神,是不是升级到XCode8之后Monkey就不支持了,之前用XCode7.3.1是可以的! 帮忙看看吧,不胜感激!错误日志如下:

localhost:bin yongche$ smart_monkey -a com. -w -n 3 -t 50 -s --detail-count 20 --drop-useless-img INSTRUMENTS_TRACE_PATH : /Users/yongche/Downloads/CrashMonkey4IOS/bin/*.trace RESULT_BASE_PATH : /Users/yongche/Downloads/CrashMonkey4IOS/bin/smart_monkey_result {:app_path=>"com.*", :device=>"536c9b872ea0754a4abcb89d9555eee241deddfd", :run_count=>3, :time_limit_sec=>50, :dsym_file_path=>"/Users/yongche/Downloads/CrashMonkey4IOS/bin/**.app.dSYM", :detail_event_count=>20, :drop_useless_img=>true} =================================== Start Test (1/3) ======================================= ERROR: Could not connect to lockdownd, error code -21 Attempting iOS device system log capture via deviceconsole. BundleID was found: com.** Run: ["instruments", "-w", "*", "-l", "50000", "-t", "", "com.**", "-e", "UIASCRIPT", "/Users/yongche/Downloads/CrashMonkey4IOS/bin/smart_monkey_result/report_20161129153400/custom.js", "-e", "UIARESULTSPATH", "/Users/yongche/Downloads/CrashMonkey4IOS/bin/smart_monkey_result/report_20161129153400"] 2016-11-29 15:34:09.310 instruments[17737:268594] *** -[__NSCFConstantString stringByAppendingPathExtension:]: cannot append extension 'tracetemplate' to path '' Instruments Usage Error: The specified template '' does not exist. instruments, version 8.0 (61187) usage: instruments [-t template] [-D document] [-l timeLimit] [-i #] [-w device] [[-p pid] | [application [-e variable value] [argument ...]]] Stop iOS system log capture. ERROR: Could not connect to lockdownd, error code -21 Drop useless images...

1214503056 commented 7 years ago


wanwan001 commented 7 years ago


luozhang002 commented 7 years ago


luozhang002 commented 7 years ago

how to resolve this problem