vigoux / LanguageTool.nvim

An asynchronous grammar checker for Neovim using LanguageTool
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Have 'f' autofix the issue with the first recommended correction #9

Closed RonanMacF closed 3 years ago

RonanMacF commented 3 years ago

vim-grammarous is a good plugin in theory, its features are fairly nice, but it just was littered with bugs when I tried to use it. Having the ability to autofix errors by pressing 'f' would bring this closer to feature parity with grammarous. Looking at my errors a lot of the time the fix I want is the first one, so having to just move to the error and pressing 'f' on either window would be nice.

This feature would ideally autorefresh with the fixed error then disappearing. Although with slow reading times i'm not sure how plausible this would be.

vigoux commented 3 years ago

f on the report windows already does that. Otherwise you can use the following mapping :

nnoremap <silent> f <cmd>LanguageToolFixAtPoint<CR>
RonanMacF commented 3 years ago

ah my apologies, didn't spot that command on the README but I see it in the docs now, Cheers will close!

vigoux commented 3 years ago

Thanks for reporting, that is worth adding in the README anyway !