Open lsolesen opened 9 years ago
@mglaman Any chance that you can fix this soon?
@lsolesen when running this locally I'm not having issues with the SSL. I wonder if the server is trying to verify the peer and that's why
@lsolesen I added a patch to core which works around SNI issues, which is hopefully the issue.
I tried applying the patch, but it did not seem to fix the issue.
As far as I can see the 'context' has not been changed. Though I verified that the patch was applied. I am not sure why.
stdClass Object
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I also tried this patch - - but it did not seem to fix the issue either.
As far as I understand the issue on d.o. refers to PHP 5.3, but runs PHP 5.5.25 according to the status page.
We need an integration test - created new issue here:
@mglaman Strange thing is, that I cannot reproduce this locally.
@lsolesen I'll see if there's a way we can get a test to see if its happening on Travis.. I feel it's got to be something on the server communicating with the site over SSL :/
So, based on Viggo.. I'm going to guess this is still an issue with Omega8 and remote servers with SSL. I know they keep denying, but something isn't right there.
@lsolesen I'm not sure what to do. This has got to be something on the server level where it doesn't talk well with servers behind SSL. I know Omega8 has danced around the issue but its got to be the only thing.
Moving to a new milestone, so we can close this up. used to work perfectly on http. Recently they switched to https and that might cause the issue that no data is returned anymore.
We use this functionality a lot when introducing new courses and planning courses, so we need this working again - or we need to switch to another way to provide an overview in PDF as nice as (I am not aware of any PHP-libraries doing something similar?)
This is the result I am getting now when running the code from