vikramkakkar / SublimePicker

A material-styled android view that provisions picking of a date, time & recurrence option, all from a single user-interface.
Apache License 2.0
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Not working with API 25? #68

Open tappyy opened 7 years ago

tappyy commented 7 years ago

Added the compile statement to my gradle and got the following error:

"All libraries must use the same version. Found versions 25.3.1, 23.2.1".

Any way of me implementing SublimePicker for use on API 25?

ankitbatra11 commented 7 years ago

Put this in your gradle file:

compile ''

It will fix the issue.

sir-boformer commented 6 years ago

To remove the outdated dependency warning:

    implementation ''
    implementation ('com.appeaser.sublimepickerlibrary:sublimepickerlibrary:2.1.1') {
        // exclude outdated support lib (causes dependency warning)
        exclude group: ''