vikramkakkar / SublimePicker

A material-styled android view that provisions picking of a date, time & recurrence option, all from a single user-interface.
Apache License 2.0
2.31k stars 407 forks source link

Are you still active? #84

Open olfek opened 5 years ago

olfek commented 5 years ago

Hi @vikramkakkar , are you still... alive?

This is a genuine question, there hasn't been any activity from you in a while on any of the platforms you are a member of.

vikram-kakkar commented 5 years ago

Hi @olfek, I'm still here :) Just been busy with work. I keep meaning to contribute to this project, but it's been a bit hard to keep this going.

olfek commented 5 years ago

@vikram-kakkar That's good to hear, I understand. Thanks for this great library!