vikramkakkar / SublimePicker

A material-styled android view that provisions picking of a date, time & recurrence option, all from a single user-interface.
Apache License 2.0
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Possible to alter date-range selection? #88

Open hamzabinamin opened 5 years ago

hamzabinamin commented 5 years ago

I am using the calendar in one of my apps and a few users made a complaint that they find the date selection to be buggy and that it doesn't register their selection on the first try. They have to try numerous times to select the dates.

Is there a way to provide a second way to select multiple dates? I was thinking maybe we let the users select the second date in the same manner that they select the first date and then automatically select the dates in between them. That way selection between months and years would be easier. What do you think?

adriancoman commented 5 years ago

Hey, provided an alternate selection mode that is similar to the Airbnb one. The first date you select is considered the start date and the second date you select is considered the end date in the range. If you select a third time it will reset you range and you will have a new start date.

Made a pull request with it.

matthewkrueger commented 5 years ago

@vikram-kakkar what @adriancoman provided in his pull request is exactly what I'm looking for - tap once to set the start date, tap again to set the end date. Can you please include this in the next release? Thanks for your great library!

Details: long tap + drag works great, but it's not super intuitive to many users. My workaround for now is to put some directions on the screen so people know what to do. Having an alternate selection method (tap to set start, tap to set end) would be much more intuitive - here's my current workaround:
