vikramkakkar / SublimePicker

A material-styled android view that provisions picking of a date, time & recurrence option, all from a single user-interface.
Apache License 2.0
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Not finding ways to remove more option #94

Closed Abish-R closed 4 years ago

Abish-R commented 4 years ago

Not finding ways to remove more option.

Is there a way to block more options which is available in top right corner which facilitate(Repeat options)

Abish-R commented 4 years ago

sublimeOptions.setDisplayOptions(SublimeOptions.ACTIVATE_DATE_PICKER | SublimeOptions.ACTIVATE_TIME_PICKER);

TrueFinch commented 4 years ago

@Abish-R Did you finally find any way to do this?

Abish-R commented 4 years ago

Sorry for late reply @TrueFinch . You might have fixed the issue... I have modified the library code. I was not finding any other option to do it.