vikramlearning / blazorbootstrap-starter-templates

Blazor Bootstrap - Starter Templates (.NET 6/7/8)
24 stars 16 forks source link

Side bar2 not visible on full window expand #13

Closed rajeshsws closed 3 months ago

rajeshsws commented 3 months ago

@inherits LayoutComponentBase

Page content goes here

@code { IEnumerable? navItems;

private async Task<Sidebar2DataProviderResult> Sidebar2DataProvider(Sidebar2DataProviderRequest request)
    if (navItems is null)
        navItems = GetNavItems();

    await Task.Delay(2000);

    return await Task.FromResult(request.ApplyTo(navItems));

private IEnumerable<NavItem> GetNavItems()
    navItems = new List<NavItem>
        new NavItem { Id = "1", Href = "/getting-started", IconName = IconName.HouseDoorFill, Text = "Getting Started"},

        new NavItem { Id = "2", IconName = IconName.LayoutSidebarInset, Text = "Content", IconColor = IconColor.Primary },
        new NavItem { Id = "3", Href = "/icons", IconName = IconName.PersonSquare, Text = "Icons", ParentId="2"},

        new NavItem { Id = "4", IconName = IconName.ExclamationTriangleFill, Text = "Components", IconColor = IconColor.Success },
        new NavItem { Id = "5", Href = "/alerts", IconName = IconName.CheckCircleFill, Text = "Alerts", ParentId="4"},
        new NavItem { Id = "6", Href = "/breadcrumb", IconName = IconName.SegmentedNav, Text = "Breadcrumb", ParentId="4"},

        new NavItem { Id = "7", IconName = IconName.ListNested, Text = "Sidebar 2", ParentId="4"},
        new NavItem { Id = "701", Href = "/sidebar2/how-to-use", IconName = IconName.Dash, Text = "How to use", ParentId="7"},

        new NavItem { Id = "702", IconName = IconName.Dash, Text = "Examples", ParentId="7"},
        new NavItem { Id = "70201", Href = "/sidebar2", IconName = IconName.Dash, Text = "Nested levels", ParentId="702"},

        new NavItem { Id = "8", IconName = IconName.Grid, Text = "Grid", ParentId="4", IconColor = IconColor.Danger },
        new NavItem { Id = "801", Href = "/grid/#", IconName = IconName.Dash, Text = "How to use", ParentId="8"},
        new NavItem { Id = "802", IconName = IconName.Dash, Text = "Examples", ParentId="8"},
        new NavItem { Id = "80201", Href = "/grid/#", IconName = IconName.Dash, Text = "Filters", ParentId="802"},

        new NavItem { Id = "9", IconName = IconName.WindowPlus, Text = "Forms", IconColor = IconColor.Warning },
        new NavItem { Id = "10", Href = "/autocomplete", IconName = IconName.InputCursorText, Text = "Auto Complete", ParentId="9"},
        new NavItem { Id = "11", Href = "/currency-input", IconName = IconName.CurrencyDollar, Text = "Currency Input", ParentId="9"},
        new NavItem { Id = "12", Href = "/number-input", IconName = IconName.InputCursor, Text = "Number Input", ParentId="9"},
        new NavItem { Id = "13", Href = "/switch", IconName = IconName.ToggleOn, Text = "Switch", ParentId="9"},

    return navItems;


An unhandled error has occurred. Reload 🗙
rajeshsws commented 3 months ago

I solved it Head tag was the problem