vikramlearning / blazorbootstrap-starter-templates

Blazor Bootstrap - Starter Templates (.NET 6/7/8)
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Exception Message is always shown #4

Closed mdeppe42 closed 10 months ago

mdeppe42 commented 11 months ago

On startup of the NET6.BlazorServerApp project, the exception warning "An unhandled exception has occurred. See browser dev tools for details." is shown at the bottom of the page. I need to scroll down do have it visible. I believe there is no exception, at least there is none shown in VS or browser console.

How to get this working? One could remove the <div id="blazor-error-ui"> from _Layout.cshtml, but then there would be no exception notification at all.

gvreddy04 commented 11 months ago

@mdeppe42 I'll take a look at this. But I'll recommend using the Visual Studio Templates. Link:

Note: Once the new project is created, upgrade the BlazorBootstrap package version to the latest version available.

KevynSB commented 11 months ago

I have the same problem

gvreddy04 commented 10 months ago

@mdeppe42 @KevynSB Unfortunately, I'm not able to replicate the issue. Please see the following screenshot foe reference.


If possible can you record your screen and share the video here.

mdeppe42 commented 10 months ago

On your screenshot the scrollbar is not at the bottom, I think the warning is displayed when you scroll down.

mdeppe42 commented 10 months ago