vikramlearning / blazorbootstrap

An Enterprise-class Blazor Bootstrap Component library built on the Blazor and Bootstrap CSS frameworks.
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Grid: Freeze Left to just set it to true instead of specifying position #721

Open joselitogatchalianalonzo opened 1 month ago

joselitogatchalianalonzo commented 1 month ago

Currently you need to specify position if you want to freeze a column. It will be better if I can just specify that column Freeze=true and it will be frozen regardless of the width. I cannot determine the width of the column in advance as it varies based on data available on that column. If this is not possible, can you suggest a work around?

gvreddy04 commented 1 month ago

@joselitogatchalianalonzo Will check the best feasible way.

joselitogatchalianalonzo commented 1 month ago

Thanks @gvreddy04 Keep me posted on this issue as I need this feature in most of my projects.