vikramsg / 49travel
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All suggestions #6

Open vikramsg opened 1 year ago

vikramsg commented 1 year ago
  1. Don't redirect to DB website on Live status button click
  2. Arrange cities by popularity (Maybe using WikiVoyage page length?)
  3. Show map with origin and destination (Maybe OSM?)
  4. Show what type of place it is e.g. Brocken and Cologne as targets, but the former is (the summit of) a mountain, the latter a city. A categorization of the destinations (maybe based on wiki voyage metadata?) may be a good addition
  5. BUG: Heligoland is included even though the final journey is by Schiff. Filter that out for now.
  6. Show number of stops in the journey time
vikramsg commented 1 year ago


Need to put markers on origin and destination and embed. This will require Lat/Lon. So Wikipedia scraping!

Probably need to change layout so that on clicking a card, it occupies the whole page. Left, we have journey time and live status button. Right is the map. Below is the text.
