vikstrous / mailserver

An easy to deploy dockerized mail server for a single user
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use a real init system so signals can be handled correctly #1

Open vikstrous opened 7 years ago

vikstrous commented 7 years ago

Here's a good example of how to do it properly:

joeblackwaslike commented 7 years ago

provided you don't need multiple supervised processes per containers you should checkout dum-init, otherwise use overlay-s6. But since you said init i'm assuming you need init more than process supervision

relevant lines per dockerfile: ADD /dumb-init RUN chmod +x /dumb-init ENTRYPOINT ["/dumb-init", "--"] CMD ["array", "style", "cmd"]

Lessons learned the hard way:

When done properly you can verify via ps auxf and docker stop will nearly immediately kill the container instead of timing out.

vikstrous commented 7 years ago

Docker has a new built in init feature. You can docker run --init now. I'm hoping that will be enough. I can get rid of the shell wrapper by replacing the last command in each CMD script with an exec. Hopefully that's enough to make signal handling work... I'll have to try it.