vikstrous / mailserver

An easy to deploy dockerized mail server for a single user
5 stars 3 forks source link

split out the individual images and auto-build them on hub #9

Open vikstrous opened 7 years ago

vikstrous commented 7 years ago

that way others can use the images too

also the docker-compose.yml will be simpler and you won't need to submodule add anything

joeblackwaslike commented 7 years ago

after extensively using docker-hub's autobuild i strongly reccomend against it. I would reccomend using Travis CI and including some tests, even the most rudimentary (launch container and check that it is still running), then pushing to a docker hub repo only on successful builds.

It also lets you build everything too, so you could just do a docker-compose build, rudementary test on everything, and if all good push each to their own repo without having to use multiple repo's on github.