viktorgino / headunit-desktop

HeadUnit Desktop is a car PC software built with Qt 5 and QML
GNU General Public License v3.0
285 stars 64 forks source link

Updated RPi make instructions #33

Closed anandmg101 closed 3 years ago

anandmg101 commented 5 years ago

Hi Viktorgino, thanks for fixing qml_gui folder thing so quickly! One more request. Its seems there has been few changes in the application. So the final app file is different I believe. Instead of "", I believe it is "" So the final command "make -j4 sub-app-pro" gives me a program without AA. I did try "make -j4 sub-headunit-desktop-pro" but getting error that there is no make config file.

Can you help me with that please?

pawel0987 commented 5 years ago

Hello, I think I have similar problem. Building instruction is outdated or not complete (I have tried I stuck on compiling protobuf files. The error is headunit/hu/hu.proto: No such file or directory. When skipping this step and building with QTCreator, there are another errors like: Unknown module(s) in QT: BluezQt (I have installed everything I could for bluez including qt-connectivity). Maybe for people who knows QT it is simple and does not require clarification but I have not idea how to build and run the project. I hope someone can write working build documentation so I will be able to try this software and maybe help with development because it looks very promising.

viktorgino commented 5 years ago

Im working on moving the instructions to the Wiki and updating the at the same time, should make the documentation more up-to-date in the future.

The correct command for the protoc build is : protoc --proto_path=modules/android-auto/headunit/hu/ --cpp_out=modules/android-auto/headunit/hu/generated.x64/ modules/android-auto/headunit/hu/hu.proto

You'll need to install the dev files for BluezQt. I've already added an updated dependency list to the wiki, I suggest you install those on Ubuntu or Debian :

pawel0987 commented 5 years ago

Oh... Somehow I've missed wiki of this repo... Thank you for the answer. protoc command you gave works so now I need to deal with installation of dependencies that are missing in ubuntu repository and I hope I will be able to build this monster :)

viktorgino commented 5 years ago

@pawel0987 let me know how it goes

ExperienceTesla commented 5 years ago

The protoc command work well but i cant do "make -j4 sub-app-pro" The output is Make: *** no rule to make target 'sub-app-pro'. Stop. Same with sub-headunit-desktop-pro

viktorgino commented 5 years ago

@ExperienceTesla the sub-app-pro is not needed anymore, so the it becomes make -j4

viktorgino commented 5 years ago

I've added the updated instructions to if anyone has any issues building after following these instructions please let me know here.

pawel0987 commented 5 years ago

Hello @viktorgino, sorry I haven't write anything for so long, I just didn't have enough time to sit to this :( I saw your updated wiki pages:

I will try to deal with this now. If you have any clue what I am doing wrong, please help :)

pawel0987 commented 5 years ago

The weird thing is that I was able to build headunit app now... Music player is not working / or I don't know how to use it (could be connected to lack of qtgstreamer I guess). Also the most important tab - Settings - is empty :/

pawel0987 commented 5 years ago

Update about qtgstreamer: In ubuntu 19.04 there is package: "libqt5gstreamer-dev" available. Nevertheless even after installing this and rebuilding application, cannot really use settings view. May it be something wrong with building process?

pawel0987 commented 5 years ago

Ok, some summary of what I did and another problems: Application logs says:

  1. qrc:/qml/SettingsPage/SettingsPageItem.qml:27:9: "Connections.enabled" is not available in QtQuick 2.6. Error dissapped when I removed this property.
  2. Settings Loader: "" : Error loading settings JSON, root type should be of "items" type Looks like the cause of empty settings page. I didn't find solution yet.
  3. qrc:/PhoneBluetooth/Phone.qml:251:25: Type Contacts unavailable
    qrc:/PhoneBluetooth/Contacts.qml:2:1: module "QtContacts" is not installed

    I was searching for this module how to install it but without success. It should be in apt but it's not.

One last thing from my site: On this wiki page I would suggest to not split command into lines. Currently when you copy-paste from wiki it tries to execute separate lines (which is bad of course).