viktorlarsson / vue-tiny-slider

Vanilla javascript slider for all purposes created by ganlanyuan in Vue.
MIT License
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Vue 2 don't work with camelCase Events #53

Open aheiland opened 4 years ago

aheiland commented 4 years ago

the events in the event list will never work because of

pySilver commented 4 years ago

hm, looks like it works fine.

<tiny-slider @indexChanged="onSlideIndexChanged">...</tiny-slider>

gracescharf commented 3 years ago

yeah so when i have this: <tiny-slider ref="main" v-bind="mainSliderOptions" @indexChanged="onSlideChange"> i get this error in the console: image

and when i have this: <tiny-slider ref="main" v-bind="mainSliderOptions" @index-changed="onSlideChange"> nothing happens.

basically, none of the custom events work at this moment.