viktorlarsson / vue-tiny-slider

Vanilla javascript slider for all purposes created by ganlanyuan in Vue.
MIT License
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Need help getting responsive settings working #77

Closed blipps199 closed 3 years ago

blipps199 commented 3 years ago

Does the responsive portion of this work? I've tried setting them inline on the slider element and also using vbind. Just seems as if it just overwrites the existing settings or just doesn't work at all.

Inline :responsive="{1199:{items:1},768:{items:2},992:{items:2},1200:{items:3},2300:{items:4}}"

Vbind responsive: { 640: { edgePadding: 20, gutter: 20, items: 1 }, 700: { gutter: 30 }, 900: { items: 1 }, 1199: { edgePadding: 0 } }

blipps199 commented 3 years ago

Seems as if the responsiveness is a mobile-first type of thing which I didn't realize coming from Owl Carousel. This is my bad and everything seems to work.