vilcans / screenplain

Write your screenplay in plain text and run it through this program to make it look good
MIT License
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Solution for #37 is actually wrong, I believe #67

Open mcepl opened 3 years ago

mcepl commented 3 years ago

With this code the codes are ignored when parsing .fountain source document. I believe this is the wrong solution for #37; according to

Notes are designed to be compatible with the types of inserted annotation common in screenwriting software, e.g. Final Draft's Scriptnotes. To hide, or "comment out" sections of text, use the boneyard syntax.

which seems to imply to me, that (contrary to boneyards) notes should not be hidden, but displayed in some special way (different colour?), so they are outstanding from the text. They should be used for internal meta-comments (“This needs more work.” or “Thank you for this idea to John Smith.”), displayed, but they are not part of the action on the screen itself.