vilicvane / cordova-plugin-tts

Cordova Text-to-Speech Plugin (Maintainer WANTED!)
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Highlight spoken words #51

Open Sam747 opened 6 years ago

Sam747 commented 6 years ago

I successfully integrated tts plugin. I would like to know if somehow I can highlight currently spoken words on my front-end. In other words if it could simultaneously speak and output as in text form what is currently being spoken.


billism1 commented 6 years ago

Currently, that is not implemented in this Cordova plugin. The functionality is there in the underlying target APIs for Android and iOS. I haven't looked into Windows Phone.

For this to work in TTS, it would have to expose or encapsulate the proper callbacks/delegates.

In iOS, it looks like we'd probably be making use of AVSpeechSynthesizerDelegate and speechSynthesizer(_:willSpeakRangeOfSpeechString:utterance:)

In Android, it looks like we'd be dealing with SynthesisCallback.rangeStart and UtteranceProgressListener.onRangeStart, int, int), int, int, int)

It would be nice to have this functionality on a project I may be working on. If so, when the time comes, if it hasn't been added by someone, yet, I may give it a try.