viliger2 / RoR2_EnemiesReturns

Enemies mod for Risk of Rain 2.
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Mod Translation #3

Open viliger2 opened 3 months ago

viliger2 commented 3 months ago

Here I will post updates whenever some strings need to be updated or new strings are added. If you would like to localise and keep localising this mod, you can subscribe for notifications on this issue and you will get an email with details on what was changed.

viliger2 commented 3 months ago

Colossal Knurl has been reworked into Colossal Fist. Strings that need updating:

"ENEMIES_RETURNS_ITEM_COLOSSAL_KNURL_PICKUP": "Chance on hit to summon a giant fist.",
"ENEMIES_RETURNS_ITEM_COLOSSAL_KNURL_DESCRIPTION": "<style=cIsDamage>{0}</style> chance on hit to summon <style=cIsDamage>hand of Colossus</style> that will deal <style=cIsDamage>{1}</style><style=cStack>(+{2} per stack)</style> TOTAL damage.",
viliger2 commented 2 months ago

With 2853c22e24aad07471281ea06812c3bf96edcede Ifrit strings have been added. Do note however that Ifrit's log has been changed compared to Returns log, changing it from horn to lantern.

"ENEMIES_RETURNS_IFRIT_BODY_SUBTITLE": "Scion of the Infernal King",
"ENEMIES_RETURNS_IFRIT_BODY_LORE": "Field Notes:\n\nCould this be..? Tales I never believed recounted a horrible beast, fire incarnate. Scourder of another solar system, the Ifrit nearly wiped out an entire space colony before being chained and launched into the great black void. Supposedly the flaming jets that accompanied his roars could be seen for days as he drifted outwards.\n\nGreat towers, what must have been the containment structure, prevented his escape even on this forsaken plane. The only explanation I have for my surviving this legendary encounter is his many years drifting in space and having been fettered in this unforgiving, frozen wasteland.",
"ENEMIES_RETURNS_IFRIT_SUMMON_PYLON_DESCRIPTION": "Summons multiple pillars in nearby locations. Pillars take some time to charge and once fully charged deal devastating damage to surrounding enemies and burning them.",
"ENEMIES_RETURNS_IFRIT_HELLZONE_DESCRIPTION": "Fires a giant fireball that leaves a crater on impact. After a few moments molten rocks shoot into the sky that burn enemies.",
"ENEMIES_RETURNS_IFRIT_FLAME_CHARGE_DESCRIPTION": "Charges forward, burning everything in its path, leaving burn trail behind.",


"ENEMIES_RETURNS_ITEM_SPAWN_PILLAR_ON_CHAMPION_KILL_PICKUP": "Upon large or elite monster kill summon a fiery pillar.",
"ENEMIES_RETURNS_SPAWN_PILLAR_ON_CHAMPION_KILL_DESCRIPTION": "<style=cIsDamage>Killing large monsters</style> spawns a <style=cIsDamage>fiery pillar</style>. After <style=cIsUtility>{0}s</style> pillar <style=cIsDamage>explodes</style> dealing <style=cIsDamage>{1}</style><style=cStack>(+{2} per stack)</style> base damage in <style=cIsDamage>{3}m</style> radius. <style=cIsDamage>Killing elite monsters</style> has <style=cIsDamage>{4}</style> chance to cause the same effect.",
"ENEMIES_RETURNS_ITEM_SPAWN_PILLAR_ON_CHAMPION_KILL_LORE": "Destination: Lot Z, Auction House, Unknown\n\nDate: 4/10/2056\n\nWhen I finally took the beast down, I tore the lantern off the tower it summoned, hoping for it to help on this journey. I've felt a strange power since obtaining it... while I feel stronger, I feel like I am no longer alone."
viliger2 commented 1 month ago

With b63a1f5c02c027013cbfdfb1fd402f07dbb57829 some additional strings has been added. They are descriptions for unused skills, so not only they are not visible under normal play, enemy versions of characters don't even use them, so localising them is very low priority.

"ENEMIES_RETURNS_COLOSSUS_HEAD_LASER_DESCRIPTION": "Take a stance, preparing to fire. After a short period fire a giant laser, sweeping left to right multiple times.",

"ENEMIES_RETURNS_IFRIT_SMASH_DESCRIPTION": "Smashes in front dealing damage and knocking enemies back.",
viliger2 commented 3 weeks ago

With final Mechanical Spider strings have been added. Since Mechanical Spider can be broken and repaired, strings also include interactable tokens and inspect tokens, a feature that Gearbox added with SoTS.

"ENEMIES_RETURNS_MECHANICAL_SPIDER_BODY_LORE": "Field Notes:\n\nThe malware of our age! These mechanical parasites were probably lurking on the ship before the crash. Pirates will use these bugs to collect especially valuable cargo, redirect transmission signals, or even hijack ships. Spiders can be programmed with all kinds of malicious objectives. \n\nIn general they are quite difficult to find and eradicate on large vessels, but now that they're loose they seem to be able to operate outside their software. They have retained their defense capabilities, and are risky to engage. Though, I wonder, how long will they continue to run without access to an electrical grid?",
"ENEMIES_RETURNS_MECHANICAL_SPIDER_INTERACTABLE_DESCRIPTION": "A broken mechanical spider. With a few know-hows and gold it will switch sides and help the survivor.",
"ENEMIES_RETURNS_MECHANICAL_SPIDER_DOUBLE_SHOT_DESCRIPTION": "Open a hatch, charge the gun and shoot two fast projectiles.",

As usual, lore is taken straight out of Risk of Rain Returns.