viliusle / miniPaint

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Text tool - Add leading and detect kerning from font #198

Closed Giwayume closed 3 years ago

Giwayume commented 3 years ago


viliusle commented 3 years ago

Can we rename kerning to Letter spacing and Leading to line height in GUI ? I believe these terms are easier to understand.

Giwayume commented 3 years ago

@viliusle I'm ok with renaming kerning in the toolbar attributes to letter spacing. Letter spacing is an even kerning adjustment across groups of letters, which kind of works since it applies to the selected letters. But kerning in the layer details needs to stay as kerning, because that is specifically in reference to kerning letter pairs which is the definition of kerning.

Leading and line height are two different things. If it were to be renamed to line height, the value would need to change to a percentage instead of an offset, which I think is a little more difficult to work with.

viliusle commented 3 years ago

Understood. So lets leave as it is. Even if somebody don't know these terms, its very easy to find what it really does.