viliusle / miniPaint

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Modules/Tools changing. #245

Closed dr34d13h closed 3 years ago

dr34d13h commented 3 years ago

how can i swap some modules with tools? what files should i change? i tried to do it myself, i wanted to move 'Undo' from module to tool. I had a 'class undo not found error'. can i copy undo.js and use it as a tool and not a module? or i need to write a separate undo.js for the tools?

Giwayume commented 3 years ago

Module and tool code is not interchangeable, but a tool can execute a function just like a module can.

Follow the extending guide to create an empty tool. media.js is probably a good example to base this off of, since it executes a command the second it is selected.

Calling the undo function itself is pretty simple.

import app from  '../app.js';

dr34d13h commented 3 years ago

I tried to call it like in the example.

mybundle.js :

import app from '../src/js/app.js';

function undoClick(){

and have error image

do i need any additional parameters?

Giwayume commented 3 years ago

That error is saying the "State" variable is null, which means you're calling it too soon, before MiniPaint has loaded.

See it gets set here on window load.

dr34d13h commented 3 years ago

strangely, I just moved the code from mybundle.js to the end of bundle.js. I added undo button to tools, made onclick function on click. After that I draw something and I try to click on the undo button I added and I get the same error.

Giwayume commented 3 years ago

Don't modify bundle.js directly, that file is created as part of the build process.

Giwayume commented 3 years ago

Have you worked with a webpack app before?

dr34d13h commented 3 years ago


Giwayume commented 3 years ago

You need to modify files in the src directory only, then follow the link to build guide I sent above which will take all the files in src and build them into dist/bundle.js.

dr34d13h commented 3 years ago

i have registered my undo in src/js/config.js, on variable config.TOOLS. I created a new file src/js/tools/undo.js image


import config from './../config.js';
import Base_tools_class from './../core/base-tools.js';
import File_open_class from './../modules/file/open.js';
import Tools_settings_class from './../modules/tools/settings.js';
import Dialog_class from './../libs/popup.js';
import alertify from './../../../node_modules/alertifyjs/build/alertify.min.js';

class Undo_class extends Base_tools_class{

                // nothing

                // nothing

export default Undo_class;

but the instrument does not appear.

Giwayume commented 3 years ago

You need to assign the name in the tool constructor, that's how it matches the tool class to the config.

import app from './../app.js';
import Base_tools_class from './../core/base-tools.js';

class Undo_class extends Base_tools_class{
    constructor(ctx) {
        super(); = 'undo';
            // nothing
            // nothing

export default Undo_class;
dr34d13h commented 3 years ago

yes. it works. thanks