viliusle / miniPaint

online image editor
2.6k stars 607 forks source link

Resizable miniPaint Window ? #259

Closed tetracular closed 2 years ago

tetracular commented 3 years ago


when i click on the miniPaint symbol in the Atto editor the miniPaint program window opens. In my case it doesn't fit on my screen (17"). Is there a way to resize it ? When i scroll down on the scrollbar thats available on the right side, the Moodle page in the background is being scrolled, not the opened miniPaint Window. The miniPaint window doesn't have a scrollbar in my case. I couldn't find a way so far to handle this problem. Also when i move it up and down it only moves a tiny bit with each drag & drop, so i'm not really able to move it around.

I would be very very thankful for any answers/help/solutions to my problem.

Thank you so much for the plugin !

since tetracular

viliusle commented 3 years ago

You should report this issue to "Atto editor" team. I can not help you there.

Official link is and there are no scrollbars.

viliusle commented 3 years ago

Also if you have issue with design, you should attach screenshot.