viliusle / miniPaint

online image editor
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Your App has been stolen #289

Closed anonimo82 closed 2 years ago

anonimo82 commented 2 years ago

Look here:

Giwayume commented 2 years ago

Minipaint is an MIT licensed project, it explicitly states in the license text you have the right to sell copies so long as the copyright notice is left in the codebase.

Similar thing for Sonic Colors: Ultimate on the Nintendo 3DS, that team used parts of the MIT licensed Godot engine and didn't credit the engine in-game. They're not required to by the license, so long as the original license text exists in the codebase. Fans of the Godot engine got mad at the developers of that game due to this, but they weren't technically in the wrong, just arguably morally.

Also I doubt they're making much money on that. Minipaint has had a lot of improvements to work on mobile screens recently, but it definitely wouldn't be my mobile photo editor of choice if I'm going to spend money on a mobile app lol.

anonimo82 commented 2 years ago

Ok, so it's fine. By the way I like mp so much, but I'd love to be able to edit layer's alpha channel, and some ui elements get cropped in operation, so it would be better to be able to scroll them when this happens.

I'm glad to hear there was no theft, by the way. =)

Giwayume commented 2 years ago

None of the brush tools draw on existing layers, so being able to edit the alpha channel as a black/white image in order to create a custom alpha mask wouldn't be very useful if you can't draw on it directly.

anonimo82 commented 2 years ago

Ok, but how can I outline, then?

viliusle commented 2 years ago

Thank you for report, but as Giwayume said, it is allowed by MIT license.

p.s. it is better to create separate ticket for another problem, because it is very hard to manage these issues with lots of questions. And your issue with alpha was not very clear to me so I can not comment.