viliusle / miniPaint

online image editor
2.6k stars 607 forks source link

Improve UX #290

Closed anonimo82 closed 2 years ago

anonimo82 commented 2 years ago

The App's GUI sometimes doesn't fit the viewport. Make it scroll when this is the case.

viliusle commented 2 years ago

Are you trying miniPaint on very small screen? Which part does not fit, can you attach screenshot?

anonimo82 commented 2 years ago

I'm attaching a screenshot. The effects menu overflows the screen. No, I have a QHD resolution. Screenshot_20220212-052512_PhotoEditorPlus Also, see the color button, gets cropped

Giwayume commented 2 years ago

@anonimo82 This issue was fixed a year ago, you need to update from master.

Well, looking back I assume you bought that app you mentioned. THEY need to update it with the latest code.

This issue tracker is for the official build, which you can visit here: