viliusle / miniPaint

online image editor
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[Feature Request] Add editable charts #327

Closed marcpre closed 1 year ago

marcpre commented 1 year ago


I love miniPaint. Its well build and extremely powerful.

If you add editable charts it would make the application even more powerful.

User Stories:

  1. As a user I can select a chart. (similar to the forms menu)
  2. I can add the chart and edit the data in the chart
  3. The chart is saved in the miniPaint json format with the data rows.

Happy to help and support wherever I can.


viliusle commented 1 year ago

Hello, There are lots of charts types, options and implementing charts would take lots of time and not much people would benefit from it.

It would be best for you to generate charts using exiting application (for example Microsoft/Google Excel) and import it into miniPaint as image.