villadora / express-http-proxy

Proxy middleware for express/connect
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test case exercising proxyReqDecorator appears to fail. #550

Open monkpow opened 3 weeks ago

monkpow commented 3 weeks ago

I noticed this while working on something else, and am not sure the test is correct. Stashing for investigation.

-      it.only('when the author uses a proxyReqDecorator', function (done) {
-        var app = express();
-        app.use(proxy('localhost:8109', {
-          proxyReqBodyDecorator: function() {
-            return 'hey man';
-          }
-        }));
-        request(app)
-          .post('/headers')
-          .send({
-            data: 'random string of words'
-          })
-          .set('Content-Type', 'application/json')
-          .set('Accept', 'application/json')
-          .end(function (err, res) {
-            if (err) { throw err; }
-            assert(res.body.headers['content-length']);
-            const contentLength = res.body.headers['content-length'];
-            assert.equal(contentLength, 18);
-            done(err);
-          });
-      });