villasv / aws-airflow-stack

Turbine: the bare metals that gets you Airflow
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Instances not bootstrapping after Cloudformation completion #179

Closed izzoa closed 4 years ago

izzoa commented 4 years ago


Just tried out the latest version of this by running turbine-cluster.template so I could install in an existing VPC.

The instances aren't getting bootstrapped. I tried to figure out where the problem lied by SSH'ing into an instance (webserver in this case) and running /opt/turbine/, which then triggers an error when calling /opt/turbine/ with the following (less than helpful) message:

[ec2-user@redacted turbine]$ ./
: invalid option

Got stuck debugging it here. Any ideas what the problem could be?


izzoa commented 4 years ago

Nevermind, had to do with my silly Windows computer adding carriage returns to the bash files :/