Closed iamsubhranil closed 7 years ago
I don't understand. You can change the normal highlighting via :hi Normal ...
The colors of the statusline are pretty much defined by the airline-theme you are using. I don't understand what you mean with :let s:cterm01...
I'm talking about the themes, where I'm defining colors. I'm trying to port base16 darktooth, but enable to set the NORMAL and line count text colors from inside the base16_darktooth.vim file. How to do that?
the NORMAL should be highlighting group airline_a (bold) and the wordcount is airline_z highlighting group.
Can you link a theme as an example?
Hey, how do I change the color of NORMAL and line count texts(foreground color)? Also, how to convert 16 colors to 256 colorspace? i.e. I'm currently doing let s:cterm01 = "00" how to change it do let s:cterm01 = 234(or whatever equivalent number is)?