Open Milly opened 2 months ago
I'm working on this.
etc. methods cannot be implemented.
method uses getbufvar()
, which allows to get buffer options:
getbufvar({buf}, {varname} [, {def}]) *getbufvar()*
The result is the value of option or local buffer variable
{varname} in buffer {buf}. Note that the name without "b:"
must be used.
The {varname} argument is a string.
When {varname} is empty returns a |Dictionary| with all the
buffer-local variables.
When {varname} is equal to "&" returns a |Dictionary| with all
the buffer-local options.
Otherwise, when {varname} starts with "&" returns the value of
a buffer-local option.
This also works for a global or buffer-local option, but it
doesn't work for a global variable, window-local variable or
window-local option.
But gettabvar()
does not provide to get tab page options:
gettabvar({tabnr}, {varname} [, {def}]) *gettabvar()*
Get the value of a tab-local variable {varname} in tab page
{tabnr}. |t:var|
Tabs are numbered starting with one.
The {varname} argument is a string. When {varname} is empty a
dictionary with all tab-local variables is returned.
Note that the name without "t:" must be used.
When the tab or variable doesn't exist {def} or an empty
string is returned, there is no error message.
Also same issues with settabvar()
Not tested but I think we can use win_getid
, win_execute
function! s:gettabopt(tabnr, varname, def) abort
let l:winid = win_getid(1, a:tabnr)
let l:result = win_execute(l:winid, printf('echo &l:%s', a:varname))
return empty(l:result) ? a:def : l:result
function! s:settabopt(tabnr, varname, val) abort
let l:winid = win_getid(1, a:tabnr)
call win_execute(l:winid, printf('let &l:%s = %s', a:varname, string(a:val)))
Not tested but I think we can use
These not work. It always returns the value of the current tab page. Currently Vim does not seem to have a way to get/set local tab options other than actually switching tab pages.
The following works:
function! s:gettabopt(tabnr, varname) abort
let l:winid_save = win_getid()
let l:lazyredraw_save = &lazyredraw
set lazyredraw
execute a:tabnr 'tabnext'
let l:result = a:varname->printf('&l:%s')->eval()
return l:result
call win_gotoid(l:winid_save)
let &lazyredraw = l:lazyredraw_save
But has side effects (We can add more redundant state saving code):
setglobal cmdheight=1
setlocal cmdheight=5
echo tabpagenr('#')
" -> 3
echo s:gettabopt(2, 'cmdheight')
" -> 5
echo tabpagenr('#')
" -> 2
And causes an update of the GUI screen.
(CUI screen updates seem to be blocked by 'lazyredraw'
.) fixes this.
Describe the bug
Related #267.
"local to tab page" options has
method. There is alsogetWindow()
etc. methods.Currently (Vim/Nvim target for v7) there are only these options:
Expected behavior
etc. methods are available.setWindow()
etc. methods are available.getTabPage()
etc. methods.