vim-erlang / vim-erlang-runtime

Erlang indentation and syntax for Vim
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vim-erlang-runtime not being invoked for indenting code for *.erl #38

Closed asridharan closed 6 years ago

asridharan commented 7 years ago

I followed the instructions for installing vim-erlang-runtime. I can see that the plugins have been installed using scriptnames command and :set runtimepath? . However, ther is no auto indentation that is taking place in my existing *.erl file? This is my existing ~/.vimrc

set ai
set textwidth=70
set number
set tabstop=2
set shiftwidth=2
set expandtab
set runtimepath^=~/.vim/bundle/vim-erlang-runtime/
setlocal spell spelllang=en_us
set spellfile=$HOME/.vim/spell/en.utf-8.add
set switchbuf+=newtab
let Gtags_No_Auto_Jump = 1
let Gtags_VerticalWindow = 1
execute pathogen#infect()
hcs42 commented 7 years ago

To use automatic indentation in Vim, you need to add this to your vimrc:

filetype plugin indent on

If you have a recent Vim, you don't actually need this GitHub repository, because vim-erlang-runtime is built into Vim.