vim-pandoc / vim-markdownfootnotes

Insert Extended Markdown Footnotes in Vim
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The default mapping for <Plug>AddVimFootnote add additional spaces #22

Open jdhao opened 4 years ago

jdhao commented 4 years ago

Currently, the default mapping for <Plug>AddVimFootnote is:

nnoremap <buffer> <Plug>AddVimFootnote :<C-U>call markdownfootnotes#VimFootnotes('a')<CR>      
inoremap <buffer> <Plug>AddVimFootnote <C-O>:<C-U>call markdownfootnotes#VimFootnotes('a')<CR> 

As a result, when the cursor is in the position where we want to insert footnote, an extra space will be inserted before the footnote mark, which is annoying.

For example, if we have (| indicates cursor position):

some| text

when we use the mapping to insert footnote, the text becomes:

some [^1]text

Instead, it will be more reasonable for text to be:

some[^1] text

To achieve this, the above mapping should be changed to:

nnoremap <buffer> <Plug>AddVimFootnote :<C-U>call markdownfootnotes#VimFootnotes('i')<CR>      
inoremap <buffer> <Plug>AddVimFootnote <C-O>:<C-U>call markdownfootnotes#VimFootnotes('i')<CR>