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HTML localleader html+ does not use a bibliography #115

Open Calavoow opened 10 years ago

Calavoow commented 10 years ago

When there is a file and a .bib file.bib the localleader pdf+ will generate a correct latex output using the --bibliography file.bib option, but the html+ does not give this option to pandoc, it executes the following:

pandoc -t html -Ss --mathml "file".html ""

When manually executing the HTML build command, it properly uses the bibliography to generate references on the webpage, so the functionality is supported by pandoc:

pandoc -o file.html --bibliography file.bib --mathml

I tried adding the PANDOC#P_BIBS to the build command in plugin/pandoc.vim, but to no avail:

PandocRegisterExecutor PandocHtml <LocalLeader>html html pandoc -t html -Ss PANDOC#P_BIBS --mathml -o %:r.html %%