vim-pandoc / vim-pandoc-legacy

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Add option to support different markdown flavors #117

Open docwhat opened 10 years ago

docwhat commented 10 years ago

pandoc supports multiple markdown flavors.

From pandoc version

It would be nice to be able to pick which versions are used by vim-pandoc. Specifically, I need markdown_phpextra for some of my projects for its table support.

An option like g:pandoc_markdown_flavor and an overriding b:pandoc_markdown_flavor for per-buffer settings would be ideal.


fmoralesc commented 10 years ago

vim-pandoc/vim-pandoc-syntax already implements support for (simple, grid and pipe) tables. As the README says, vim-pandoc has been phased out in favor of the vim-pantondoc+vim-pandoc-syntax combo. The syntax file in this repo is now several months old.

That said, we could make it so the syntax highlighting works differently depending on what the buffer needs. We already do this in vim-pantondoc to enable the pandoc integration functions in textile files.

docwhat commented 10 years ago

Oh. I read that and didn't grok it. I'll try the new plugins.