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Make syntax highlighting work across lines #91

Closed notnotrandom closed 10 years ago

notnotrandom commented 11 years ago

This is a feature request: I use vim with hard-wrapped lines, but this makes syntax highlighting stop working when highlighting a set of words that begins in on line and ends on the next. I've tried to tweak the regex's vim-pandoc uses, but without success: I get a cryptic error about multi cannot follow multi...

Please do not ask me to start using soft-wrapped lines: those have a host of problems, one of which is you can no longer copy the text to, for instance, an email, without getting very long lines...

At the very least, I'd appreciate some pointers to how to implement this feature, so that I could give it another try. Thanks.

fmoralesc commented 10 years ago

Sorry for the lack of responses! I've been away from the project...

I have a working version at that implements this. Please try that while a patch the version in vim-pandoc.