vim-pandoc / vim-pandoc-syntax

pandoc markdown syntax, to be installed alongside vim-pandoc
MIT License
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Setting `...conceal#use = 0` Doesn't Disable Equation $$ Hiding #349

Closed mtoohey31 closed 3 years ago

mtoohey31 commented 3 years ago

Hello! I may just be misunderstanding how to disable this feature, but I have the following line in my configuration, let g:pandoc#syntax#conceal#use = 0, but pandoc syntax is still hiding the "$$" around my equations. The same behaviour is also present for inline math equations. I also tried setting all listed options in the conceal blacklist options help section, but even with all listed options in the list, it doesn't disable this behaviour.

Let me know if there is actually a way to do this and I'm just doing it incorrect, otherwise, let me know if you could use any more information about the behaviour I'm experiencing.

alerque commented 3 years ago

Can you double check that it is actually this plugin concealing LaTeX math? There are quite a few other plugins out there that add that particular conceal; if you could just double check by disabling this one and making sure the behavior stops that would be appreciated.

mtoohey31 commented 3 years ago

Yep, I just double checked again by removing it from my vim-plug section and running PlugClean then opening the file with equations, and the $$ were not being hidden. Then I re-added it to vim-plug and PlugInstall'ed and as soon as I reopened the file the $$ were gone again, so it's definitely related to this plugin.

If you think it might be some kind of interaction between this plugin and another, my dotfiles are here and they have my full init.vim.

mtoohey31 commented 3 years ago

So I've done some more testing, and actually it turns out that this isn't really vim-pandoc-syntax's fault. It turns out that this is happening because I'm using Yggdroot/indentLine, which enables conceal, so vim-pandoc-syntax is actually behaving correctly and disabling conceal, but indentLine is enabling it again. I believe the reason why my earlier testing with removing vim-pandoc-syntax seemed to fix the issue is because it disabled the syntax highlighting that suggested that certain math formula elements should be hidden or collapsed, or something like that, I don't completely understand it though.

Anyways, TLDR, not vim-pandoc-syntax's fault, just an unfortuate interaction between plugins!

For anyone else that comes across this and is looking for an alternative indent guide, nathanaelkane/vim-indent-guides is the only one that I've found that doesn't use conceal, though it doesn't look anywhere near as nice with my setup. thaerkh/vim-indentguides also uses conceal and I haven't come across any others.

alerque commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the follow-up. Having used such plugins before I know those kind of hacks are cool but do bring a lot of interaction trouble. I wasn't using this plugin at the time but eventually gave up on them.

tinyheero commented 3 years ago

Thanks posting this @mtoohey31. I ran into exactly the same issue and disabling the Yggdroot/indentLine fixed the issue. It's a shame because the indentLine plugin is amazing. Did you ever find a way to resolve the undesirable interaction?

mtoohey31 commented 3 years ago

Nope, afaik there's no quick fix, because indentLine uses conceal to conceal a series of spaces or tabs as a few spaces followed by the specified symbol, so if conceal is disabled then indentLine doesn't work, and if it's enabled then $$ symbols etc. are concealed.

I suppose if you're willing to put in a lot of work to fix it you could attempt to remove the conceal declarations for the relevant symbols inside this vim-pandoc-syntax plugin, but I haven't looked into it so I don't know how much effort that would require.

tinyheero commented 3 years ago

Thanks for that information. That is unfortunate. For anyone else who is running into this problem, you can temporarily disable the Yggdroot/indentLine plugin by running :IndentLinesToggle and then turn it back on when you need it.

Hope that helps as a stop-gap solution.

stsievert commented 2 years ago

For any Neovim>=0.5 users: doesn't use conceal (instead, it uses Neovim's virtual text feature)