vim-pandoc / vim-pandoc-syntax

pandoc markdown syntax, to be installed alongside vim-pandoc
MIT License
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strange underscore and background colors #358

Closed laoshaw closed 3 years ago

laoshaw commented 3 years ago

Just switched from vim-markdown and immediately noticed I have the first words under a header highlighted with a light-blue background(e.g. XYZ below):

## my header

XYZ is something

Also I have various random words are highlighted(red) with a underline below.

At the moment it's unusable.

fmoralesc commented 3 years ago

This is probably an issue in your colorscheme. vim-pandoc-syntax/vim-pandoc enables spelling, so words like XYZ will be marked as errors. If your colorscheme is not properly setup (or your terminal lacks some features - assuming you are using the terminal), it might display these elements wrongly. You can confirm by executing set nospell. Here is what I see in your example (the pink block is my cursor, that is separate from the syntax file):

Screenshot from 2021-04-25 11-25-58

laoshaw commented 3 years ago

yes set nospell fixed them all, thanks a lot.

on a different note, I use vim-markdown meanwhile I am a heavy pandoc user, I expect vim-pandoc-syntax will bring pandoc-related(e.g. table etc) features for me, is this correct? I don't feel vim-markdown and vim-pandoc-syntax are in conflict so far, which is nice.

fmoralesc commented 3 years ago

Yes, vim-pandoc-syntax supports a bunch of pandoc's extensions to markdown.