vim-pandoc / vim-pandoc-syntax

pandoc markdown syntax, to be installed alongside vim-pandoc
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Help debugging lists indented items bullet not detected #365

Closed lyndhurst closed 2 years ago

lyndhurst commented 2 years ago

Hi, I have a weird issue that I am sure comes from my setup, but I am struggling debugging it. Lists (numbered and unordered) bullets do not get detected for indented list items.

- detected: pandocUListItem, pandocUListItemBullet
    - detected: pandocUListem
    - [ ] detected: pandocUListem, pandocOperator, pandocReferenceLabel

What is very strange, is that the checkbox is detected, if I scroll down past it, highlights disappear, and the checkbox appears as simple pandocUListItem, if I scroll back up past it, it is detected again.

Another weird thing, is that I use a markdown file to test it out, and its type is correctly set to pandoc when I open it, but, If I manually set filetype=pandoc, I lose all conceal features, but indented list items are detected correctly, and scrolling past them has no effect.

I have no idea how to investigate further, I would appreciate if someone had a suggestion. Thanks.

lyndhurst commented 2 years ago

I finally found the culprit, and it might help someone with the same issue at some point, so I will leave the solution before closing.

I use the vim-identguides plugin, I just needed to add pandoc files to the ignore list:

let g:indentguides_ignorelist = [ 'pandoc' ]`