vim-pandoc / vim-rmarkdown

Rmarkdown support for vim
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Not an editor command #11

Open krusse opened 9 years ago

krusse commented 9 years ago

:RMarkdown does not seem to register as a command.

I installed through vundle with all prerequisites installed.

I would really love to have the Rscript functionality of this plugin. Any help is appreciated.

georgewsinger commented 8 years ago

I had this issue as well. Run :set filetype=rmarkdown. As it is, *.Rmd files are being set to filetype rmd by default, and thus the scripts in this repo don't seem to be running.

smilesun commented 6 years ago

is there a way to set something into .vimrc file permanently or change some other seeting so one do not need to run :set filetype=rmarkdown all the time ?

fmoralesc commented 6 years ago

The latest changes in the repo (from the latest PR) should have improved this somewhat, did they not?

smilesun commented 6 years ago

I dont think so, since I run BundleUpdate, and the problem is still there.

nikolaussucher commented 6 years ago

Add this to your .vimrc: autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *.rmd set filetype=rmarkdown

ghost commented 6 years ago

I'm facing a similar issue, but if I use @nikolaussucher solution, it doesn't highlight the syntax unfortunately. The hl works but the command doesn't