vim-php / phpctags

An enhanced ctags compatible index generator written in pure PHP. Released under GPLv2 license.
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phpctags does not work with namespaces #4

Closed Martiusweb closed 12 years ago

Martiusweb commented 12 years ago

When I try phpctags on a file with a namespace statement at the begining of the file, I get an empty list of tags.

Tested on symfony2 files and with a simple test file :

class Foo {


Foo /tmp/t.php  /^class Foo {$/;"   c   line:5


namespace Bar;

class Foo {

returns nothing

weynhamz commented 12 years ago

Thank you for reporting, this is accturally a bug in the code due to namespace is not currently supported which cause the nodes under a namespce would not get processed. I will fix this soon.

McUsr commented 2 years ago

I have problems with Doxygen comments after namespace, or any comment actually. That is comments starting like this : /* and comments starting like this: / right below the namespace declaration.