vim-volt / volt

A meta-level vim package manager
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Lazy command argument get droped. #307

Open hulucc opened 4 years ago

hulucc commented 4 years ago

For example if i run

AsyncRun go test -v -run "TestProxy$" ./pkg/proxy

After the volt lazy snippet

command -complete=customlist,s:__volt_complete -bang -bar -range -nargs=* AsyncRun call s:__volt_lazy_load_excmd('AsyncRun', <q-args>, expand('<bang>'), expand('<line1>'), expand('<line2>'))

Argument the function actually get

go test -v -run

And after some trail and error, i find out that removing the -bang from snippet could fix the problem. But i don't actually understand what's happending here. please have a check.

Volt config

# You can use `volt update` in addition to `volt get -u`
update = ["get", "-u"]

# * "symlink" (default): "volt build" creates symlinks "~/.vim/pack/volt/opt/<repos>" referring to "$VOLTPATH/repos/<repos>"
# * "copy": "volt build" copies "$VOLTPATH/repos/<repos>" files to "~/.vim/pack/volt/opt/<repos>"
strategy = "copy"

# * true (default): "volt get" creates skeleton plugconf file at "$VOLTPATH/plugconf/<repos>.vim"
# * false: It does not creates skeleton plugconf file
create_skeleton_plugconf = true

# * true (default): When "volt get" or "volt get -u" fail and "git" command is
#                   installed, it tries to execute "git clone" or "git pull" as a fallback
# * false: "volt get" or "volt get -u" won't try to execute fallback commands
fallback_git_cmd = true

Async Plugin config

" vim:et:sw=2:ts=2

function! s:on_load_pre()
  " Plugin configuration like the code written in vimrc.
  " This configuration is executed *before* a plugin is loaded.
  let g:asyncrun_open = 12
  let g:asyncrun_status = "stopped" 
  let g:asyncrun_save = 2
  if exists('g:loaded_airline')
      let g:airline_section_error = airline#section#create_right(['%{g:asyncrun_status}'])
  command! ToggleQuickFix call asyncrun#quickfix_toggle(12)

  au BufWritePre * :execute g:asyncrun_status ==# 'running' ? 'AsyncStop' : ''
  au FileType qf setlocal nobuflisted
  au FileType qf setlocal wrap
  "let g:asyncrun_encs = 'gbk'


function! s:on_load_post()
  " Plugin configuration like the code written in vimrc.
  " This configuration is executed *after* a plugin is loaded.

function! s:loaded_on()
  " This function determines when a plugin is loaded.
  " Possible values are:
  " * 'start' (a plugin will be loaded at VimEnter event)
  " * 'filetype=<filetypes>' (a plugin will be loaded at FileType event)
  " * 'excmd=<excmds>' (a plugin will be loaded at CmdUndefined event)
  " <filetypes> and <excmds> can be multiple values separated by comma.
  " This function must contain 'return "<str>"' code.
  " (the argument of :return must be string literal)

  return 'excmd=AsyncRun,AsyncStop,ToggleQuickFix'

function! s:depends()
  " Dependencies of this plugin.
  " The specified dependencies are loaded after this plugin is loaded.
  " This function must contain 'return [<repos>, ...]' code.
  " (the argument of :return must be list literal, and the elements are string)
  " e.g. return ['']

  return []
tyru commented 4 years ago

It should be caused by -bar. -bar skips string after " as vim script comment.

:AsyncRun1 and :AsyncRun3 outputs go test -v -run "TestProxy$" ./pkg/proxy. but :AsyncRun2 outputsgo test -v -run`.

command! -nargs=* AsyncRun1 echom <q-args>
command! -nargs=* -bar AsyncRun2 echom <q-args>
command! -nargs=* -bang AsyncRun3 echom <q-args>

" Output "go test -v -run "TestProxy$" ./pkg/proxy":
"   :AsyncRun1 go test -v -run "TestProxy$" ./pkg/proxy
"   :AsyncRun3 go test -v -run "TestProxy$" ./pkg/proxy
" Output "go test -v -run":
"   :AsyncRun2 go test -v -run "TestProxy$" ./pkg/proxy

Volt should provide a way to add -bar or not.

tyru commented 4 years ago

This is off-topic, but Do you have any reason to use strategy = "copy"? It is little slow, because copying all files in repositories but strategy = "symlink" (default) just creates a directory symlink to repositories. That is not deprecated option, I just want to know the reason.

hulucc commented 4 years ago

Because symlink is extremly slow on every volt build even nothing changed in the past(i guess its doing full build every time) . And just now I find the problem has been fixed in new version, so now I'm using symlink