vim / colorschemes

colorschemes for Vim
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Update colors/README.txt with relevant info #117

Closed habamax closed 2 years ago

habamax commented 2 years ago

Probably it should consist of 2 parts:

  1. current info on how to create adhoc colorscheme (maybe with some edits)
  2. mention of this repo and/or colortemplate tool to create colorschemes

It would be good to include @romainl gist excerpts on how to adjust existing colorscheme using Colorscheme autocommand

PS, make it .md too?

romainl commented 2 years ago

I think that the various informations in this file (and eventually some from that gist and from colortemplate's doc) should be moved to the main documentation instead of being kept hidden in the source.

:help write-colorscheme would be a great entry-point.

habamax commented 2 years ago


  1. *write-colorscheme* or *create-new-colorscheme* topic should be created (In what file? syntax.txt?)
  2. $VIMRUNTIME/colors/README.txt should be removed
  3. Entry in :h :colo (the last para in `:colo[rscheme] {name} should be changed from:
            For info about writing a color scheme file: >
                :edit $VIMRUNTIME/colors/README.txt

    to (should be smth better formulated :) )

            |write-colorscheme| has info about writing a color scheme file.
romainl commented 2 years ago

Pretty much.

  1. *write-colorscheme* is consistent with *write-plugin*, *write-local-help*, *write-filetype-plugin* and so on. All those sections are in usr_41.txt so maybe that would be a good place? Info about colorschemes is a bit scattered around right now.

  2. Yes, or being reduced to something like "Built-in colorschemes are developed at vim/colorschemes" and maybe a couple of links to *write-colorscheme* and syntax.txt.

  3. Yes.

habamax commented 2 years ago

Legacies are merged in. Closing.