vim / colorschemes

colorschemes for Vim
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Issues with SpellBad, SpellCap, SpellLocal, SpellRare #140

Closed gdupras closed 2 years ago

gdupras commented 2 years ago

Those highlight groups are often:

Steps to reproduce the images below:

  1. Create a file called en.utf-8.add that only contains:
  2. :mkspell en.utf-8.add
  3. Create a file called spell_test.txt that contains:
Colour. colour color couleur kolour
  1. Do
    gvim --clean -c "set spell spelllang=en_ca spellfile=en.utf-8.add" spell_test.txt

    This shows the Spell groups with the default colorscheme. The groups are, from left to right, SpellCap, SpellLocal, SpellRare, SpellBad.

  2. :source colors/blue.vim (Or whatever colorscheme you want to check.)

default: Looks fine. default

blue.vim: Spell groups are not visible. blue

darkblue.vim: Spell groups are not visible. darkblue

delek.vim: SpellLocal and SpellRare look the same. delek

desert.vim: SpellLocal and SpellRare are very similar. desert

elflord.vim: SpellLocal is unreadable. elflord

evening.vim: Spell groups are not visible. evening

industry.vim: SpellLocal and SpellRare are very similar. industry

koehler.vim: SpellLocal is hard to read. koehler

morning.vim: Looks fine. morning

murphy.vim: Looks fine. murphy

pablo.vim: SpellLocal is hard to read. pablo

peachpuff.vim: SpellCap and SpellRare are very similar. peachpuff

ron.vim: SpellLocal is unreadable. ron

shine.vim: SpellLocal and SpellRare are very similar. shine

slate.vim: Looks fine. slate

torte.vim: SpellLocal is hard to read. torte

zellner.vim: SpellCap and SpellRare look the same. zellner

I've only really tested GUI Vim but I think terminal Vim has similar issues.

habamax commented 2 years ago

@romainl is it time for a sample_spell.vim? :)

habamax commented 2 years ago


ron: image

blue: image

darkblue: image

delek: image

desert: image

elflord: image

evening: image

industry: image

pablo: image

peachpuff: image

shine: image

torte: image

zellner: image

romainl commented 2 years ago

Thank you @gdupras for your detailed reports.

romainl commented 2 years ago

I'm not super comfortable with the background color, it may clash with other groups like incsearch or quickfixline.

Anyway, let's get on with that sample_spell.vim ;-).

@habamax sample_spell.vim just landed in fix/spell.

habamax commented 2 years ago

@romainl pls check

@gdupras could you pls also check fix/spell branch?

habamax commented 2 years ago

and indeed, nice catch, @gdupras, thank you!