vim / colorschemes

colorschemes for Vim
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Diff critique #143

Closed romainl closed 2 years ago

romainl commented 2 years ago

Is there anything wrong with these?

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habamax commented 2 years ago

They are OK, could be improved in the future, probably.

lifepillar commented 2 years ago

You have been able to use the same diff colors in all color schemes! That's… remarkable!

Which highlight group corresponds to urr in the screenshots? That's white-on-red in most color schemes, but it is red-on-white in five of them (elflord and others). Is that intentional?

lifepillar commented 2 years ago

Ah, I see, it's Error. Fine, then, I guess.

romainl commented 2 years ago

You have been able to use the same diff colors in all color schemes! That's… remarkable!


bill-hudacek commented 2 years ago

Lifepillar wrote on 2/20/22 11:26 AM:

You have been able to use the same diff colors in all color schemes! That's… remarkable!

Which highlight group corresponds to |urr| in the screenshots? That's white-on-red in most color schemes, but it is red-on-white in five of them (elflord and others). Is that intentional?

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Not trying to hijack - it seems this could be a 'theme' (no pun intended) - for me, vimdiff/gvimdiff coloring is an issue.

Working from the same git repo, updated just now as a sanity check.

I love gvimdiff. I run linux, right now it's Fedora 35. I have VIM with ver:

Vi IMproved 8.2 (2019 Dec 12, compiled Feb 21 2022 00:00:00) Included patches: 1-4428 Modified by @.> Compiled by @.> Huge version with GTK3 GUI.  Features included (+) or not (-):

So that's my environment.

In gvimdiff & vimdiff, highlighting is mostly as it hasa been for years. However, 'changed text inside a changed line' ("hl_DiffText") is always white on a green background for me. It's just unreadable.  I'm attaching a screencap showing changed text inside a changed line, missing lines, extra lines, no-diff lines, and one line (on the right) in 'visual line' mode to show that highlighting, too.

In the gvimdiff window, I see this debug output:

Executing: verbose hi DiffText

DiffText       xxx term=reverse cterm=reverse ctermfg=40 ctermbg=231 gui=reverse guifg=#00d700 guibg=#ffffff     Last set from /usr/local/common/.vim/pack/colors/start/colorschemes/colors/peachpuff.vim line 151

Now, according to default.vim - #00d700 is 'gold', not white or green. So perhaps it's not taking effect, or I am looking at the wrong highlight group/item?

Can anyone spot an obvious problem or help diagnose this? Is this supposed to work in v8.2?

Many thanks,


romainl commented 2 years ago

@bill-hudacek Could you add the screenshot that you mentioned to your message here in the issue tracker?

bill-hudacek commented 2 years ago

Here's one I created just now. Looks a lot like OP's screencaps. Assuming this is intentional, the wonderful way DiffText shows as the same despite colorscheme choice means there's hope that I can find that one spot where it's configured --- and tailor it to my own preferences. Right??? :-)


Now here's same thing in 'desert' theme. Just to show that it does not change much at all.


habamax commented 2 years ago

Not eye candy but still readable.

and tailor it to my own preferences. Right??? :-)

Every colorscheme could be tailored

Given the fact most of the built-in colorschemes have broken diff colors (either in gui or in 256c tui or in 16c tui or in all modes) we came up with "readable" unified diff colors. And indeed they are not super pleasant.

In the second and following iterations we can come up with more unique per each colorscheme diff colors hopefully with the help of the other vim users.

habamax commented 2 years ago

maybe we should tone down DiffChange background though

bill-hudacek commented 2 years ago

Count me in on 'help from other vim users' :-)

Using that gist page, I added an override. It works - on startup (screencap attached).

However, every colorscheme change after startup reverts back to white-on-green.

Here's the portion of my .gvimrc where I set this up:

( gvimrc-partial.txt 'code' markup is not working for me here, so I've attached a small bit of my .gvimrc to this post.)

How can I make it 'permanent'? I don't want to 'fix' each of the colorschemes if I can avoid it.

Thanks again, everyone.


romainl commented 2 years ago

@bill-hudacek the following should be enough to make your fix permanent:

augroup MyColors
  autocmd ColorScheme * highlight DiffText cterm=NONE term=reverse cterm=reverse ctermfg=40 ctermbg=231 gui=reverse guifg=#000000 guibg=#32cd32
augroup END
colorscheme peachpuff

But you should:

romainl commented 2 years ago

@habamax how about black on light grey?


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Capture d’écran 2022-03-05 à 17 29 09
habamax commented 2 years ago

Looks better

bill-hudacek commented 2 years ago

@romainl - Tried that - moved to .vimrc outside of foldmethod. Still reverts. Verbose=99 shows 'hi clear' in at least 'elflord.vim', maybe in all others. Does that clear my augroup/autocmd's?

This is still kind of a mystery to me.

romainl commented 2 years ago

@bill-hudacek it does, but then the ColorScheme event is triggered and thus associated autocommands.

bill-hudacek commented 2 years ago

This is frustrating for me ----- maybe I'll just wait until you update the config in git to use some other color(s). Then I can diff the versions and see what you changed. Clearly, my override(s) are not 'sticking'. It might be something in my own config here. There's 20 years of entropy - cruft - so running 'clean' and then finding the issue sounds painful to me :-/

habamax commented 2 years ago

Legacies are merged in. Closing.