vim / colorschemes

colorschemes for Vim
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new colorscheme: openDyslexia #163

Open jbennett-1 opened 2 years ago

jbennett-1 commented 2 years ago

I created a colorscheme that provides more readability for those with dyslexia since vim does not contain such options. This colorscheme contains high-contrast colors and a darker background. I have tested this theme on multiple languages (C, C++, C#, Java, html, Perl, php, go, python, rust, etc) and had it reviewed in order to maintain its efficacy with both dyslexia and vim.

romainl commented 2 years ago

Thank you @jbennett-1. Including colorschemes designed around various "conditions" has indeed been already discussed and, while it is not exactly our primary goal to make every colorscheme usable by everyone, some of the future additions are very likely to cater to specific conditions like color blindness (I made one) or, thanks to you, dyslexia.

But we still have a few things to figure out before we can realistically accept colorscheme contributions: technical requirements, what to support, what not to support, guidelines, etc. are not clear right now.

One thing is 99.99% sure, though: new colorschemes will have to be built with and contributions will have to come with the template.

In concrete terms:

jbennett-1 commented 2 years ago

@romainl ok, thank you. I can rewrite this in the next few weeks and resubmit the new code when finished.

lifepillar commented 2 years ago

@jbennett-1 I'd like to point out an often overlooked feature of Colortemplate, which may help you in the conversion process. If you load your color scheme, then type this at the command line:

:call colortemplate#import#run()

you will get a draft template to get you started. Have fun!

Edit: and don't forget to check the documentation: :help colortemplate.txt.