vim / colorschemes

colorschemes for Vim
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Zaibatsu #225

Closed romainl closed 1 year ago

romainl commented 1 year ago

Zaibatsu is liberally inspired by the so-called "neo-tokyo", "neon-noir", "cyberpunk", "vaporware", etc. a e s t h e t i c, as well as popular colorschemes like dracula, tokyonight, or onedark.

Here is the palette at the time of this writing:

Capture d’écran 2023-02-05 à 16 33 37

Of note: the colors don't change much between GUI and 256c except for the grayscale ramp which gets a slight purple-ish hue in GUI. Because the darkest of these is used as Normal background, the GUI experience is more nuanced than in 256c: very dark purple background versus black background.

This is mostly to get feedback. It has become quite usable in GUI and 256c but there is a lot of work left for 16c and 8c.

The screenshots below are all taken in MacVim on macOS:

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habamax commented 1 year ago

It looks complete to me in 16/256/gui. The vibe is there: image

8c is not there yet I guess? Or is it just a BG issue? image

romainl commented 1 year ago

16c is more or less functional but it needs tweaking. I didn't work on 8c so far.

romainl commented 1 year ago

OK, from lo-def to hi-def…


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Capture d’écran 2023-02-06 à 09 10 00
habamax commented 1 year ago

8c statuslinenc, is it intended?


romainl commented 1 year ago

Intended? Yes. Satisfactory? No.

habamax commented 1 year ago

currently it looks not very good for a hor split: image

What about this? image

hi Statusline ctermfg=grey ctermbg=black cterm=bold,reverse
hi StatuslineNC ctermfg=black ctermbg=grey cterm=NONE
neutaaaaan commented 1 year ago

Documenting feedback I gave to @romainl in #vim :

The only 2 problems I have with zaibatsu after a cursory glance have to do with contrast: Type and Preproc are noticeably darker than the rest of the palette, and Preproc clashes pretty badly with Identifier in some contexts.

Type could be brought up from ctermfg=168 to ctermfg=205 (or I suppose any other shade of red with a similar perceived brightness). image image

Preproc at ctermfg=80 simply doesn't survive my usual torture test. It's very contrived, but I've found it to be a good indicator of whether Preproc would also survive being used very sparingly, as I've been trying to work around of a similar clash between Preproc and Statement in Iosvkem for several years now. image image

I should be able to take a closer look at it in the evening, the room I am currently sitting in is very bright.

romainl commented 1 year ago

@neutaaaaan I have made the following tweaks:

Left: GUI, right: 256c

Capture d’écran 2023-02-07 à 08 52 22
neutaaaaan commented 1 year ago

Identifier and Special are still hardcoded to 87 and 84 in your template and the resulting colorscheme, not that I can really tell the difference anyway.

I'm not crazy about the shade of blue used for PreProc, but I'm not crazy about any of the shades of blue that I tried either, and it's one of the more balanced ones, so I suppose it'll have to do. I assume the colorschemes you referenced have fairly similar issues ?
I'm staring at this right now but this specific shade of low-grade depression doesn't exactly remind me of a mighty dub, more so of being slightly hungover on a sunday morning, waiting for The Deliverator to show up, a very specific Manu Chao song being played on a loop somewhere in the neighbourhood.

Anyway, that's enough bikeshedding the yak's haircut for now.

habamax commented 1 year ago

Not sure if cursorline is too distinct in 256 compared to gui:



gui image

habamax commented 1 year ago

Also StatuslineNC could be "more the same" between GUI and 256. In GUI it is grey, in 256 has some bluish tint.

habamax commented 1 year ago

Another thing to mention is DiffText + Cursorline: image

craigmac commented 1 year ago

I love it. I'm made something similar for myself but nowhere near the quality of detail here, I'll be using it daily so feedback incoming as I use it.

Couple things:, I like doing hi! link CurSearch IncSearch, what are you feelings on that? Second, the g:terminal_ansi_colors seem too dark to use in Alacritty (with and without tmux). Have a look at the PS1 colors and if I run something like lazygit or tig the red is too dark, it seems like the colors 8-15 would work better as the 0-7 colors but that's not how it's done usually, the 0-7 colors being the bright versions.

Screen Shot 2023-02-08 at 9 31 22 PM
romainl commented 1 year ago

@craigmac Thanks. Feel free to report any issue you might have.

I like doing hi! link CurSearch IncSearch, what are you feelings on that?

A link to IncSearch makes a lot more sense to me. CurSearch being linked to Search by default is a bit weird and Bram's performance concerns don't seem justified to me but we are kind of following default's pattern everywhere in the name of consistency.

the g:terminal_ansi_colors seem too dark to use in Alacritty (with and without tmux).

IIRC I allocated the ANSI colors right at the beginning but yeah, the hexadecimal value changed a bit in the meantime so the assignation is not good anymore. The dark red being very obvious.

I will fix that, thanks.

romainl commented 1 year ago

@habamax initially, StatusLineNC, ToolbarButton, and CursorLine were neutral gray in 256c and closer in brightness to their GUI counterpart. The current version tries to be closer in terms of hue (purple-ish) but it is at the cost of brightness similarity because of how the xterm color cube works. On one hand it brings the whole 256c look and feel closer to GUI but on the other hand the colors are clearly too bright.

I may keep the purple-ish hue for StatusLineNC and ToolbarButton but CursorLine is way too bright so it will probably go back to a dark neutral gray.

neutaaaaan commented 1 year ago


I rigged this up using #d70087 and #5f5ff, seems like they could work. @romainl Is the xterm vibe, with the screaming bright green, yellow and cyan next to that pale light blue on purpose ? I don't really trust the built-in terminal with any of this.

habamax commented 1 year ago

I may keep the purple-ish hue for StatusLineNC and ToolbarButton but CursorLine is way too bright so it will probably go back to a dark neutral gray.

That is okay to have purple-ish hue for those, I pointed out that you have it in 256c but not in GUI...

habamax commented 1 year ago



romainl commented 1 year ago

No, it's not just gray, it has a slight purple hue: neutral3 is #98929f.

habamax commented 1 year ago

No, it's not just gray, it has a slight purple hue: neutral3 is #98929f.

Oh, my bad, didn't check the actual value -- it just looked so regularly gray so I blindly assumed it is gray.

craigmac commented 1 year ago

Small nits (while using termguicolors):

Errormsg: readable but the contrast isn't great:

Screen Shot 2023-02-10 at 11 49 39 AM

SpellBad and friends: can we use cterm=undercurl and or is that too risky? Docs say it will fallback to underline if it isn't supported, but I'm thinking of situations where maybe user is saying it's supported but did not provide the correct t_Cs and t_Ce values as suggested in :h underline-codes. I haven't tested whether Vim looks just assumes those are correct and you end up with no undercurls OR underlines, or what it does. I have the same questions about highlight-ctermul

neutaaaaan commented 1 year ago

@craigmac Interactions between vim and terminal emulators are just too finnicky to risk using undercurls. For example, the fallback doesn't work at all using tmux 3.3a running inside urxvt 9.31, but it works inside urxvt itself.

romainl commented 1 year ago


I switched Error to the error color (pure red) but forgot ErrorMsg. Will fix this ASAP.


Indeed it doesn't work in lots of places and the fallback to underline isn't great either. We use it for GUI, though, where things are more predictable.


Same story.

romainl commented 1 year ago

So I have made a bunch of tweaks:

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Capture d’écran 2023-02-10 à 21 41 58

Now, what to do with that ugly cyan/darkcyan?

romainl commented 1 year ago


Capture d’écran 2023-02-10 à 22 07 55
romainl commented 1 year ago

Do you think the background is purple enough in GUI?

habamax commented 1 year ago

@romainl it is enough purple for me

habamax commented 1 year ago

Another thing to check is QuickFixLine vs IncSearch:

craigmac commented 1 year ago

I liked the old green, this one reads more sickly than neon to me, maybe because I'm just fond of that tmux green 😀 And was going to say about the background, I think I'd like it a little more purple, somewhere between the original background and this latest one so you can tell it's a dark shade of purple without having to look real close, like 10% lighter? I also don't want it to be obviously purple like Ubuntu terminal though

romainl commented 1 year ago



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Capture d’écran 2023-02-11 à 09 55 37

FWIW, I tried zaibatsu in 16c with my decades-old custom terminal palette and I think it works pretty well (even if @neutaaaaan will find it too muted):

Capture d’écran 2023-02-11 à 09 31 03

Even though I use the default xterm palette as a baseline when working on 16c, it can be useful to check with other palettes. That said, I dread the test with Solarized ;-)

neutaaaaan commented 1 year ago

This really goes to show color perception depends on the particular combination of eyeballs and display.

Special looks sickly green, bordering on yellow to me, and collides pretty badly withConstant image image

Using #87ff00 instead of #afff00 seems more balanced to me, without sacrificing the perceived brightness, or colliding with Preproc. image image

2 issues with the built-in term in gvim : image That dark red just doesn't work, and the StatusLine is going to be mighty confusing for tmux users.

romainl commented 1 year ago

Regarding that dark red…

For reference, xterm's default (#cd0000):

Capture d’écran 2023-02-11 à 14 21 37

The current version:

Capture d’écran 2023-02-11 à 14 14 02

A brighter alternative, similar in perceived brightness to xterm's default:

Capture d’écran 2023-02-11 à 14 26 58

Indeed, color is complicated.

neutaaaaan commented 1 year ago

I had written a much longer post about the terminal colors, but I think most of the issues I have with them stem from the reference palette being the brighter set of colors. I figure I might as well just try and do it "my way" sometimes tomorrow and see if any useful feedback comes out of that.

The new IncSearch doesn't clash with QuickFixLine anymore and it looks basically the same across environments.

The new IncSearch blends in way too much to really be useful if you're not actively looking for it. image image

craigmac commented 1 year ago

I see the point about IncSearch, I would say only fix it if it doesn't require altering coloring anywhere else, because I like where the GUI colors are at now. I'm still not loving :term colors, but it's usable now! I can't really explain what I'm not sold on, though. I'd like to use the colors outside of vim as well, for terminal emulator palette.

habamax commented 1 year ago

Am I missing the point? I have a different incsearch which standouts quite nicely: image

Both in gui and 256c...

habamax commented 1 year ago

oh, I was one iteration behind...

White is ok to me.

neutaaaaan commented 1 year ago

After messing about with the terminal palette for a while, and coming up with something that I feel works a bit better, I believe the biggest issue with zaibatsu is having to work from a colorscheme that uses very bright colors down to the dark palette that the built-in terminal will always stick to in my experience.
Making the bottom half more balanced means fiddling with the top half too so both sets of colors don't feel completely divorced, and not only is the end result not that great because of the limitations inherent to the xterm palette, it probably doesn't really look like like zaibatsu as it is now.

Would such a disconnect be acceptable ?

All of my experimenting made me realize that :term handles bold/bright by using a bold typeface, which can't be assumed to even exist, whereas the bright colors can be relied on. What this means, is that the top half of the palette is never seen, which in the worst case scenario means information loss, but in the case of zaibatsu means :term effectively hides most of the disconnect I mentionned before. Has this been brought up before ?

romainl commented 1 year ago

Of course having a :term palette that closely matches the colorscheme's palette would be perfect but I am definitely open to having some differences if that means more usability.

neutaaaaan commented 1 year ago

Here's the results after a few passes through the grinder. image

This seems too much like quiet too me. Maybe working from an only slightly tamed bright palette down to a slightly brightened dark palette would turn out better.

habamax commented 1 year ago

@romainl what about this difftext?


romainl commented 1 year ago

FWIW, this is the current "main" palette:

Capture d’écran 2023-02-14 à 21 00 19

@neutaaaaan, could you post the values you used for the latest screenshot? I would like to see if we can meet halfway :-).

@habamax, it might work in GUI because of the definition but I doubt it is going to work in 16c, for example.

To be honest, I am not super happy with that diff and most importantly how CursorLine interacts with DiffAdd and friends. It works incredibly well in 16c but not at all in 256c and GUI. Bummer.

habamax commented 1 year ago

@romainl that is actually quite ok: image

romainl commented 1 year ago

@habamax I don't like it.

Let's backtrack a little…

FWIW, this made me spot a couple of issues in my own colorschemes. BRB.


habamax commented 1 year ago

It is not very appealing, but at least it became readable.

For wildcharm I use: image

And it let me see the Difftext in CursorLine.

neutaaaaan commented 1 year ago

@romainl Highlighting moshe instead of @neutaaaaan is one hell of a fingerslip.

black: #0e0024 
darkred: #d7005f 
darkgreen: #00af5f
darkyellow: #d78700
darkblue: #5f5fff
darkmagenta: #d700ff
darkcyan: #5fd7ff
darkwhite: #d7d5db
grey: #878092
brightred: #ff0087
brightgreen: #00d700
brightyellow: #ffd700
brightblue: #8787ff
brightmagenta: #ff87ff
brightcyan: #00ffff
brightwhite: #ffffff

I reckon darkgreen, darkcyan, and maybe even darkyellow can be salvaged, but I probably pushed down too hard on the bright colors.

romainl commented 1 year ago

In the last commit…

The biggest change is the background. My idea is that zaibatsu is meant to have a dark purple-ish background, something that can only be achieved in a declarative way in the GUI or in a termguicolors-compatible terminal. In other cases (8c, 16c, 256c w/o termguicolors) I wonder if it is justifiable to make it transparent and let crafty users adjust their terminal's background as they see fit.

The screenshots below are taken in a 256c terminal emulator. The first one uses my default terminal's background, a dark gray, the second one uses pure black, the third one uses the same color as the GUI version, the last one is a bit on the insane side of things.

Capture d’écran 2023-02-15 à 10 29 13 Capture d’écran 2023-02-15 à 10 30 33 Capture d’écran 2023-02-15 à 10 29 40 Capture d’écran 2023-02-15 à 10 30 21

What do you think?

habamax commented 1 year ago

What do you think?

We have no colorschemes with transparent bg in the repo. Imagine transparent peachpuff on a black terminal or transparent zaibatsu on a gray/white bg terminal.

neutaaaaan commented 1 year ago

I'm not crazy about the idea either, it's bound to generate false positives.

romainl commented 1 year ago

OK, reverted.

habamax commented 1 year ago

Spent a day with zaibatsu, looks good to me.